Condensed Milk Toast

Condensed Milk Toast

by Q pig baby

4.8 (1)







This toast uses the medium-type fermentation method. The medium-type dough needs to be refrigerated and fermented for 17 hours, and then the usual toast-making process is started. The time span is large, but it does not mean that it is time-consuming. If I plan to start to make toast in the afternoon, I will prepare the medium-grown dough the night before. In short, I will arrange my time reasonably. Although this toast is added with condensed milk and sugar, it is not too sweet and has a soft taste. The bread has a good silk drawing effect. The family likes to eat it. You can try it. Serving size: 450g toast box. "


Condensed Milk Toast

1. Put the middle kind of ingredients into the bread machine (medium kind: 187 grams of high-gluten flour, 112 grams of water, 2 grams of yeast) and knead them into a dough.

Condensed Milk Toast recipe

2. Cover with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator to ferment for 17 hours.

Condensed Milk Toast recipe

3. The main dough ingredients except butter (main dough: 80 grams of high-gluten flour, 33 grams of milk, 27 grams of caster sugar, 4 grams of salt, 27 grams of whole egg liquid, 40 grams of condensed milk, 21 grams of butter, 1 gram of yeast) Put it into the bread machine in the order of liquid first, then solid, then tear the fermented medium-type dough into small pieces and put it in, start the kneading program for 20 minutes.

Condensed Milk Toast recipe

4. Add butter at the end of the first kneading program, and start the kneading program again, each time kneading for 20 minutes.

Condensed Milk Toast recipe

5. Knead until the dough can pull out a smooth film (it is better to pull the film after applying oil by hand).

Condensed Milk Toast recipe

6. Cover with plastic wrap, start the yogurt fermentation process, and ferment the dough to twice its size.

Condensed Milk Toast recipe

7. Take out the dough, divide it into 3 equal parts after venting, knead round, cover with plastic wrap and relax for 15 minutes.

Condensed Milk Toast recipe

8. Roll out the dough, roll it up, and place it in the toast box.

Condensed Milk Toast recipe

9. Spray a little water on the surface of the dough, then cover it with plastic wrap and place it in a warm place for secondary fermentation (I use the fermentation process in the oven to ferment and put in a box of hot water).

Condensed Milk Toast recipe

10. When fermented to 9 minutes full, brush with a layer of whole egg liquid.

Condensed Milk Toast recipe

11. Heat the oven at 160 degrees and lower at 170 degrees. After preheating for 5 minutes, put it in the bottom layer and bake for 35 minutes.

Condensed Milk Toast recipe

12. It is demoulded immediately after it is out of the oven, and sliced after cooling on a cooling rack, it can be packaged or enjoyed.

Condensed Milk Toast recipe


1. If you make bread in the morning the next day, it is recommended that you start preparing medium-grown dough at noon the day before yesterday. In the same way, if you plan to start making bread in the afternoon, it is recommended that you start preparing medium-grown dough the night before. The middle kind of dough needs to be refrigerated and fermented for 17 hours.
2. When checking the ductility of the dough, apply oil with both hands to make it easier to pull the film.
3. The baking temperature and time are for reference only, please adjust according to your own oven.


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