Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta"

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta"

by Large frying spoon

4.6 (1)







Today, I would like to introduce a western food that is suitable for both staple and non-staple food, called "Mustard Assorted Pasta". I feel it's okay. I recommend it to my friends! "


Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta"

1. 100 grams of macaroni, 100 grams of shrimp, 150 grams of tomatoes, 250 grams of potatoes, 50 grams of carrots, 50 grams of red peppers, 100 grams of apples, 100 grams of cucumber, 50 grams of green olives, 30 grams of green beans, and 100 grams of Huayesheng; 60 grams of French mustard, 30 grams of olive oil, 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of black pepper, 1 gram of perilla, and 2 grams of crushed pepper.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

2. Bring a pot of water to a boil, add a little salt to the water.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

3. Then add the macaroni.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

4. Cook the macaroni for about 12 minutes.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

5. In the meantime, peel the carrots and potatoes, wash and dice them.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

6. When the macaroni has boiled for 5 minutes, add the diced carrots and diced potatoes and cook together.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

7. Finally, pour the prawns into a boil and then remove them.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

8. Pour the removed ingredients into the fresh pot of salad.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

9. Pour the olive oil while it is hot and mix well.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

10. With salt...

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

11. Season with black pepper and mix well.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

12. Let the mixed ingredients stand to cool.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

13. After cooling, pour in the cut cucumbers, apples, tomatoes, red peppers, and green beans.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

14. Finally, scoop a tablespoon of French mustard sauce into it, about 60 grams.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

15. Use a steel spoon to mix the mustard with all the ingredients and mix well.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

16. Sprinkle with a few pickled green olives.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

17. Finally, sprinkle a little basil in the salad.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe

18. And minced black pepper can be served on a plate.

Cool and Delicious—"mustard Assorted Pasta" recipe


The characteristics of assorted pasta with mustard: colorful, fragrant, salty and spicy, cool and tasty, rich in ingredients, and balanced in nutrition.


1. After the ingredients are cooked, put the prawn meat at last, and it can be fished out after a little blanching, otherwise, the prawns will not taste good when they are hot.

2. Stir in the olive oil as soon as possible while the ingredients are hot, so that the color will look good and will not be oxidized and discolored. Don't get too cold water, because it's unhygienic, and second, it's easy to deteriorate. Let it cool naturally.

3. French mustard is different from domestic mustard. It is only slightly spicy and has a sweet and sour taste. It will taste better if you put more. This imported mustard is available at Carrefour supermarket. If you can't buy it, you can mix it with cream, mayonnaise, a little domestic mustard, and a little white wine.


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