Corn Mushroom Soup

Corn Mushroom Soup

by Simple love1236

4.8 (1)







Let's make this delicious corn mushroom soup!


Corn Mushroom Soup

1. Prepare the following ingredients.

Corn Mushroom Soup recipe

2. Soak the mushrooms in water in advance.

Corn Mushroom Soup recipe

3. Wash the white jade mushroom and remove the roots.

Corn Mushroom Soup recipe

4. Prepare a bowl of broth, pork rib soup and chicken broth.

Corn Mushroom Soup recipe

5. Start the pot, add a bowl of boiling water, add the red dates and ginger slices to a boil over high heat.

Corn Mushroom Soup recipe

6. Pour the broth and bring to a boil.

Corn Mushroom Soup recipe

7. Add the corn segments and boil for one minute.

Corn Mushroom Soup recipe

8. Then add the washed mushrooms and cook for about five minutes.

Corn Mushroom Soup recipe

9. Finally add salt and chicken powder to taste. (The broth has a salty taste, so put less salt) Put it in a bowl and enjoy!

Corn Mushroom Soup recipe


The corn itself is very fresh, and with mushrooms, it tastes even better!


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