Creative Breakfast with Snow Scene

Creative Breakfast with Snow Scene

by Pistachio 365

4.6 (1)







Cool down the vision of the dinner plate in the hot summer! "


Creative Breakfast with Snow Scene

1. Two cupcakes are placed to make the snowman's body and head respectively. The head cake can be cut in half from the middle with a knife. Cut a strawberry to make the snowman's hat, and cut apples to make a scarf.

Creative Breakfast with Snow Scene recipe

2. The strawberries are cut horizontally and placed under the snowman to make the ground

Creative Breakfast with Snow Scene recipe

3. Put three or four of the fried green beans (fried green beans) on top of the strawberries to decorate the foundation of the house. Cut three round seaweeds and stick them on the body to make buttons. Then cut two small semicircles to make the eyes. A triangle for the nose,

Creative Breakfast with Snow Scene recipe

4. Fry the cross-cut onions and put them into a house shape. The other house is made of the outer crispy shell of the egg cone. You can use onions instead.

Creative Breakfast with Snow Scene recipe

5. Slice the apple and cut out the cedar and the distant horizon and hills

Creative Breakfast with Snow Scene recipe

6. Take five or six green beans and chop them into cubes, put them in a pot and stir-fry them until they are half-cooked, then add eggs, stir-fry, smash them, add rice and continue to stir-fry, stir-fry well, add appropriate amount of salt and chopped green onion, put into a bowl, and Match the breakfast platter, and finally sprinkle soft white sugar on the plate to make the snow scene. With the visual coolness, the creative breakfast can be started!

Creative Breakfast with Snow Scene recipe


1. The snowman can be replaced with rice balls. My daughter chose to use this material when she wanted to eat cupcakes. Other materials are not limited, you can match according to your favorite ingredients
2. The soft white sugar must be sprinkled in when eating, otherwise it will melt quickly and the snow scene will not be photographed! Remember to remember


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