Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce

Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce

by Mom cooks

4.8 (1)







Today I want to make a snack that is well-known across the country, Tujia Jiangxiang Cake. It has been a long time since I had eaten it, and since I started to make breakfast, I have been worrying about the style of breakfast all day long. I used to live upstairs where there were sauce-flavored pancakes, which were very cheap. There are spicy and not spicy ones. You can buy them for two yuan each time and eat them with toothpicks on a skewer. It feels really cool.

Later, when BB was about one year old, he began to like to take her to eat. If she didn't eat, she would usually buy this to fill her hunger. Now think about it, so lazy! You can research and do it yourself, for the sake of health.

Tujia Jiangxiang Bing, also called Xiangjiang Bing, is a special snack of the Tujia people in Changyang, Enshi, Hubei Province. For hundreds of years, it has been passed down to the local people with its unique taste and flavor. Now it has entered the city and has become a city. The unique fragrant sauce cake popular taste food that is rare in life, which integrates color, fragrance and taste, has been sold in large, medium and small cities nationwide in a short period of time.

The main characteristics of this cake are fragrant, sweet, spicy and crisp. It is spicy but not pungent, and it is salty and crispy. But have you noticed that in addition to being delicious, I really can’t find a piece of meat the size of sesame seeds. I want the version that can eat the meat. It seems that I can only do it myself.

Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce

1. Heat a pot with the blended oil, star anise, sliced ginger, pepper, boil out the pepper oil and set aside.

Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce recipe

2. Put the minced meat in a frying pan and stir-fry, add the minced garlic, chopped Pixian bean paste, bean paste, and sweet noodle sauce, stir-fry evenly over low heat, and shovel it for later use.

Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce recipe

3. Put black and white sesame seeds in the microwave for 2 minutes. (According to the electrical appliances at home)

Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce recipe

4. 200 grams of warm water, add 300 grams of flour, stir with chopsticks to form a flocculent. Make a soft dough and let it sit for 20-30 minutes.

Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce recipe

5. Take out the good dough and knead it to form a smooth dough. Divide equally into 5 noodles. (I use 30 pancakes, if it is smaller than this, increase the amount of flour)

Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce recipe

6. Take a dough, knead it well, and roll it into a round cake. Brush with a layer of pepper oil and roll up from the bottom. From the left end, roll up in a spiral shape, hide the tail underneath, and press.

Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce recipe

7. Finish all 5 and put them aside.

Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce recipe

8. Take one of them and roll it into a thin cake with a rolling pin. (After the pie is oiled, be sure to roll it thin, the thinner the pie, the crisper the taste, the better)

Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce recipe

9. Heat up the pan, pour in the appropriate amount of pepper oil, which is more than ordinary stir-frying, and it feels half-fried and half-fried. , Spread the pie out of the pan, heat it up, and layer it immediately. The half-fried and half-fried heat makes the skin crispy. (If you don't have that much pepper oil for frying, you can put ordinary oil).

Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce recipe

10. Spread the fried meat sauce, sprinkle with chopped green onions and cooked sesame seeds. (When brushing the meat sauce, be quick, otherwise the cake will be battered! If you feel your hands are slow, turn to low heat)

Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce recipe

11. Cut off the middle of the cake, fold it into a semicircle shape, and then fold it into a 1/4L round pot for serving

Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce recipe

12. Sister eats too deliciously

Crispy and Delicious Pancakes with Meat Sauce recipe


Get up 1 hour early every day to prepare a hearty breakfast for your loved ones.
In the past, it seemed that the pain of getting up early was far greater than the happiness of enjoying breakfast.
But now, for life, a sense of ritual is really needed,
For example, watching a sister eat with a happy look!
That feeling is so good!


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