Crispy Lotus Root Pills

Crispy Lotus Root Pills

by Yuxin Xinxin

4.6 (1)







Today, this deep-fried meatball has lotus root in it. The taste of this dish is not so greasy, crispy and delicious. Tender inside and crispy on the outside. Your child eats very well, and the seasoning inside is also very rich. The most important thing is to add a crispy fried chicken powder, which is sold in supermarkets. The special deliciousness is very simple. Mainly when making this meatball. It should be noted that the modulation should not be thin or dry, which directly affects the taste. "


Crispy Lotus Root Pills

1. Peel and shred the fresh lotus root, gently squeeze the moisture out with your hands and chop into fine particles.

Crispy Lotus Root Pills recipe

2. Eighth lean and two fattened with meat and minced stuffing, and then add lotus root, the ratio is about five to one. Add all the spices. Beat vigorously and mix well. In this process, we need to add water little by little. Note that it is added little by little, don't pour it all in, the water will not form if it is too much, and the taste will not be good when it is dried. (The ratio of crispy fried chicken powder to starch is one to one.)

Crispy Lotus Root Pills recipe

3. This is a well-stirred meat. Just enough to make the meatballs shape.

Crispy Lotus Root Pills recipe

4. Heat the pan to widen the oil. Turn to medium heat when the oil temperature is 50% hot. Make meatballs and put them in one by one.

Crispy Lotus Root Pills recipe

5. Fry the shape on one side, and then fry on the other side.

Crispy Lotus Root Pills recipe

6. After both sides are golden. At this time the balls are already formed and can be placed in the pot with a colander. Turn it over to make it evenly fried and crispy. Drain the oil with a colander and set aside. Fry a batch of late sons, this must be a little bit less, I have probably divided it four times.

Crispy Lotus Root Pills recipe

7. Load the air-dry oil into the pan. Add some coriander to garnish, and a delicious dish is ready.

Crispy Lotus Root Pills recipe


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