Crispy Meat

Crispy Meat

by Epoch Jamie 3511912325

4.6 (1)







The meat is best fried


Crispy Meat

1. Prepare pork tenderloin

Crispy Meat recipe

2. Marinade

Crispy Meat recipe

3. Dilute the marinade with water and cut the pork loin into strips.

Crispy Meat recipe

4. Pour the marinade into the meat strips and let it taste for 30 minutes

Crispy Meat recipe

5. Beat an egg, put a little flour, starch, and dip the marinated meat strips in the egg batter.

Crispy Meat recipe

6. Heat up a non-stick pan and pour soy oil into the meat strips.

Crispy Meat recipe

7. Deep fried until golden on both sides

Crispy Meat recipe

8. Put it in a dish and dip it in salt and pepper. "Happy kitchen, taste life, search for "ecooking" on Taobao to buy the same delicacy"\n\n

Crispy Meat recipe


It can't be too dry.


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