Deep-fried Shredded Carrot Meatballs

Deep-fried Shredded Carrot Meatballs

by Liu Dahua 266

4.8 (1)







Shredded radish meatballs are the most homely dish. Although it is a vegetarian dish, the taste is not less than that of meat dishes. It is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It is delicious and delicious. It is a little different from the traditional fried shredded radish meatballs. I used the method of frying, so that the amount of oil is greatly reduced, and the remaining oil from the shredded radish is not reused or wasted. Those who like to eat shredded carrot balls can give it a try.


Deep-fried Shredded Carrot Meatballs

1. Wash and shred the radish.

Deep-fried Shredded Carrot Meatballs recipe

2. Boil water in the pot, add the shredded radish and blanch for one minute after the water is boiling.

Deep-fried Shredded Carrot Meatballs recipe

3. Remove and let cool and squeeze dry water.

Deep-fried Shredded Carrot Meatballs recipe

4. Add all the spices.

Deep-fried Shredded Carrot Meatballs recipe

5. Mix well, add a little amount of flour, and knead into balls.

Deep-fried Shredded Carrot Meatballs recipe

6. Put a little oil in the pot, add the meatballs when 70% is hot, and turn to medium heat.

Deep-fried Shredded Carrot Meatballs recipe

7. Turn it over in about 3 minutes.

Deep-fried Shredded Carrot Meatballs recipe

8. Turn off the heat when both sides are browned.

Deep-fried Shredded Carrot Meatballs recipe

9. Remove and place on absorbent paper to absorb excess oil.

Deep-fried Shredded Carrot Meatballs recipe


1. Shredded radish can be boiled or salted to get the water out.
2. Add shrimp skins to increase freshness.
3. The balls with less flour will be crisper, and more flour will be softer, adjust according to your preference.
4. The fried meatballs will be slightly flattened.


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