Delicious Seafood Laba Porridge

Delicious Seafood Laba Porridge

by Qiuyue0815

4.9 (1)







Very distinctive and delicious porridge

(Baidu) Germ rice is a kind of rice that retains the germ part of rice, and the other parts are exactly the same as white rice. In fact, the most important central part of rice is the germ. As the name suggests, the so-called "bud" is the part that gives birth to new life. The new germ rice of the season has a crystal clear color and a natural fragrance


Delicious Seafood Laba Porridge

1. Prepare all ingredients

Delicious Seafood Laba Porridge recipe

2. Celery chopped

Delicious Seafood Laba Porridge recipe

3. Shiitake mushrooms, stalked and diced

Delicious Seafood Laba Porridge recipe

4. Crab sticks torn strips

Delicious Seafood Laba Porridge recipe

5. Shred the shrimp, add chopped green onion, pepper, ginger powder, cornstarch and salt, and marinate in cooking wine

Delicious Seafood Laba Porridge recipe

6. Put germ rice, millet, and barley in the rice cooker, pour appropriate amount of water, and set the porridge cooking mode

Delicious Seafood Laba Porridge recipe

7. The procedure is over, add shiitake mushrooms and celery

Delicious Seafood Laba Porridge recipe

8. Add squid rolls, crab sticks and shrimp

Delicious Seafood Laba Porridge recipe

9. Finally, add salt, shrimp skin, sesame oil, etc.

Delicious Seafood Laba Porridge recipe

10. Rather than taking great pains to match meals, it is better to treat yourself with a bowl of germ rice. A bowl of good rice is the best choice.

Delicious Seafood Laba Porridge recipe


After the porridge is cooked, the other ingredients are put in the order of easy-cooking first


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