Fish Up Salmon

Fish Up Salmon

by Xiaoha Paradise

4.6 (1)







"Laoqi" is the name of a cold dish in Shunde, Guangdong. "Mixing" means "fishing" in Cantonese. Generally, freshwater fish is used. Freshwater fish is bleed, and then the skin and lean fish are removed. The white fish is cut into thin to transparent fish fillets, and peanuts are added. , Sweet and sour buckwheat, shredded white radish, lemon leaf shreds and other side dishes, plus oil, soy sauce, people here use chopsticks to pick up (mix) the sashimi and the side vegetables, which means: pick up, pick up, Fishing to the wind and mountains and rivers.
Nowadays, due to environmental and water quality problems, eating freshwater fish is easy to get sick. With the popularity of salmon, this salmon was born to replace freshwater fish.


Fish Up Salmon

1. I sell salmon freshly at the seafood market stall.

Fish Up Salmon recipe

2. Because there are no white radishes in this market in the current season, I use this kind of sour radish, which tastes sweet and sour. If there are white radishes, they can be replaced with fresh white radishes. (Note: White radishes cannot be eaten with red radishes, otherwise because In the case of mutual restraint, nutrition will be lost)

Fish Up Salmon recipe

3. After the onion is shredded, soak it in a mixture of sugar and vinegar (I use the sweet and sour juice of the sour radish here) for 20 minutes. In this way, the onion will not be spicy when eaten raw and it will maintain a refreshing taste.
PS: If you want to cut the onion without tearing, you can remove the onion and soak it in water and then cut it, or put it in the freezer for 10 minutes and then cut it.

Fish Up Salmon recipe

4. Cut the cucumber into shreds, cut the sour buckwheat head into pieces, shred the sour radish, and cut the washed lemon leaves into filaments.

Fish Up Salmon recipe

5. Cut the salmon into strips and cut a few slices wider.

Fish Up Salmon recipe

6. Place the salmon strips in the middle of the dish and make them into petals.

Fish Up Salmon recipe

7. Place the cut side dishes next to the salmon flower, and add a little mustard in the middle of the salmon flower to garnish. Add soy sauce according to personal preference when eating, and then mix all the side dishes with the salmon.

Fish Up Salmon recipe


1. The side dishes can be added according to personal preference, generally refreshing or sweet and sour.
2. Raw onions are soaked in sweet vinegar mixed with sugar and vinegar, so that raw onions will not be spicy.


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