Fried Chicken with Broad Beans

Fried Chicken with Broad Beans

by Soft blue crystal

4.9 (1)







Broad beans are also known as Luohandou, Hudou, Orchid Bean, South Bean, Vertical Bean, Buddha Bean, Leguminosae, Vicia. Broad beans are used as food, vegetables, feed, and green manure. It is native to the Mediterranean coast of Europe, from southwest Asia to North Africa. According to legend, Zhang Qian was introduced to the Central Plains from the Western Regions in the Western Han Dynasty. Broad bean is rich in nutritional value and contains 8 essential amino acids. The carbohydrate content is 47% to 60%. It is edible and can also be used as feed, green manure and nectar plants. It is used as food, vegetables and feed, and green manure.
I have only eaten orchid beans before, but this is the first time I have eaten fresh broad beans, soft and fragrant noodles. It feels very different.

Fried Chicken with Broad Beans

1. Peel off the shells of broad beans and wash them.

Fried Chicken with Broad Beans recipe

2. Dice chicken breast, add cooking wine, pepper, and starch to mix well.

Fried Chicken with Broad Beans recipe

3. Pour the oil in, add the chicken diced and stir-fry, and set aside.

Fried Chicken with Broad Beans recipe

4. Pour oil in the pan, add the broad beans and carrots and stir fry.

Fried Chicken with Broad Beans recipe

5. Then add corn kernels.

Fried Chicken with Broad Beans recipe

6. Add appropriate amount of water and simmer for a few minutes.

Fried Chicken with Broad Beans recipe

7. After collecting the dried juice, pour the diced chicken and add salt.

Fried Chicken with Broad Beans recipe

8. Drizzle a little hot fry with fresh dew before serving.

Fried Chicken with Broad Beans recipe


1. People with deficiency and cold in the middle Jiao should not eat it, and those who have had fava bean allergy should not eat it again; those with hereditary red blood cell deficiency, patients with hemorrhoid bleeding, indigestion, chronic colitis, uremia, etc. should pay attention to it and should not eat Fava beans; children with fava bean disease must not eat fava beans.
2. Broad bean contains toxic β-cyanoalanine and L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine. β-Cyanoalanine is a neurotoxin. After poisoning, symptoms such as muscle weakness and paralysis of the legs and feet appear. L-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine is the causative factor of "fava bean disease". The symptoms are acute hemolytic anemia. The patients are mostly children, and the onset is 5 to 24 hours after eating. Usually heating and cooking can eliminate its toxicity.
3. After the beans are shelled, the weight will become very small, so don't buy too little, otherwise it will not be enough for a plate.


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