Fried Noodles

Fried Noodles

by Tung tree

4.6 (1)








Fried Noodles

1. The first step: prepare the ingredients, wash the green onion and mince, wash the ginger (fine or shred according to personal preference), wash the spinach (for a balanced nutrition, so add some spinach), and noodles. (Because I suddenly remembered to share the production process, it was the first time to post, so the picture is not complete, please bear with me, thank you!)

Fried Noodles recipe

2. Step 2: Heat up the pan, add oil, add ginger, stir-fry for 30 seconds, then add minced meat, sprinkle wine, and stir-fry. Fry until the meat turns slightly yellow, add the bean paste, continue to fry until the sauce is fragrant, add a little soy sauce, and fry twice. At this time, sprinkle in chopped green onions and fry for 30 seconds.

Fried Noodles recipe

3. Step 3: While frying the sauce, boil water, add the noodles when the water is boiled, add spinach after boiling again, turn off the heat after boiling again.

Fried Noodles recipe


Add the chopped green onions before boiling.


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