Grilled Hashima with Papaya

Grilled Hashima with Papaya

by Heart clear as water and pale as clouds

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Sweet papaya and soft snow clams, this classic beauty dish will definitely give you a different feeling. Try it with your mother or your best friend! Sharing good things together will double happiness. It is a beauty product for ladies! In the northeast, the snow clams are usually fried and stewed. Today, Xiaoyun has a different flavor. Snow clam, also known as forest frog. It is a rare frog species that grows in the forest area of Changbai Mountain in northeast China. It is called "Snow clam" because it hibernates in the snow for more than 100 days in winter. The snow clam paste that we usually eat is actually the fallopian tube of the female snow clam. It has the effects of anti-aging, anti-cold, skin tenderness, and immunity enhancement. Frog oil has the miraculous effect of anti-aging and beauty. It also has certain effects on increasing body height, lowering blood fat, stabilizing blood pressure, fighting colds, tenderizing skin, and enhancing immunity. So the snow clams can be said to be treasures all over the body.


Grilled Hashima with Papaya

1. Prepare all the ingredients: 3 snow clams, half papaya

Grilled Hashima with Papaya recipe

2. Papaya is cut from one side, peeled and sliced into thin slices

Grilled Hashima with Papaya recipe

3. Spread the cut papaya slices on the bottom of the plate, put snow clams on top, and steam for 12 minutes

Grilled Hashima with Papaya recipe

4. Mince garlic and coriander

Grilled Hashima with Papaya recipe

5. Put a small amount of oil in the pot, add minced garlic and saute until fragrant

Grilled Hashima with Papaya recipe

6. Put 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 5 spoons of water, half a spoon of sugar, and 1 spoon of pepper to a boil

Grilled Hashima with Papaya recipe

7. After boiling, pour in water and starch to thicken

Grilled Hashima with Papaya recipe

8. Take the steamed snow clams out of the pot

Grilled Hashima with Papaya recipe

9. Pour in the prepared sauce and sprinkle with coriander

Grilled Hashima with Papaya recipe


1. Fresh snow clams, take them home and feed them in clean water. You can take them when you eat them. However, in the south, they usually have to eat them for a week or they will starve to death, because they usually hibernate at sub-zero temperatures at this time. Eat or drink
2. Snow clams are all treasures, so don't remove the intestines in your stomach, they are all good things (if you really don't like eating intestines, remove them).


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