Heart-shaped Sugar-free Oatmeal Cookies

Heart-shaped Sugar-free Oatmeal Cookies

by Yiyoyo

4.6 (1)








Heart-shaped Sugar-free Oatmeal Cookies

1. Prepare instant oatmeal.

Heart-shaped Sugar-free Oatmeal Cookies recipe

2. 50 grams of instant oatmeal, 10 grams of milk powder, 10 grams of corn starch, and 20 grams of low-gluten flour.

Heart-shaped Sugar-free Oatmeal Cookies recipe

3. Continue to add 10 grams of water, 10 grams of egg liquid, 20 grams of oil, 1 gram of salt, 1 gram of baking soda, and chopped dates.

Heart-shaped Sugar-free Oatmeal Cookies recipe

4. 6 chopped batam wood.

Heart-shaped Sugar-free Oatmeal Cookies recipe

5. Stir everything well. Take a small dumpling. (If you feel dry, you can apply some water on your hands)

Heart-shaped Sugar-free Oatmeal Cookies recipe

6. Put it into the heart-shaped mold, flatten it by hand, and take out the mold while pressing.

Heart-shaped Sugar-free Oatmeal Cookies recipe

7. Put the prepared heart-shaped oatmeal dumplings on a baking sheet lined with tin cypress paper.

Heart-shaped Sugar-free Oatmeal Cookies recipe

8. 160 degrees, full fire, middle layer, bake for 20 minutes.

Heart-shaped Sugar-free Oatmeal Cookies recipe


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