Homemade Flavor Steak

Homemade Flavor Steak

by Sister Yun's happy days

4.9 (1)







Steak, or steak, is one of the most common foods in Western cuisine. Beef itself has high protein content and low fat content, so it tastes delicious and is loved by people. It enjoys the reputation of "proud of meat".
The reason for the name Flavor Steak is that it has a variety of flavors, you can choose it as you like, black pepper flavor, tomato flavor, sauce flavor, various flavors and various tastes, eat whatever ingredients you have at hand!
Fried steak is quick and easy to make, and it tastes delicious, so I love it very much and make it often. Remind everyone to fry the steak in a hot pan with medium firepower and not to cook for too long, just a few minutes. See the recipe instructions for details!
You can also use the oven to preheat 200 degrees and bake for about 7-10 minutes, which is simple and convenient.
This party dragged and stopped while writing, and finally it came out.


Homemade Flavor Steak

1. This is a piece of meat on the back of a beef spine.

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

2. After cleaning, wipe the moisture with kitchen paper and thin it with a blade. The knife should be fast and 1.5 cm thick. If it is thick, it will not taste good, and it will not be easy to fry. (I sliced 8 slices of this piece of meat, and 2 slices at a time are enough. The rest can be wrapped in plastic wrap and frozen in the refrigerator. The illustration is shown later)

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

3. Take one slice and place it on a cutting board, beat it with the back of a knife as shown in the figure, to loosen the meat and make it easier to taste.

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

4. After patting loose with the back of a knife, wrap it in egg white. (This step is a supplementary picture later)

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

5. Then marinate for more than 2 hours with your own seasoning juice (the picture is the home-style flavor in the recipe), or refrigerate overnight for a longer time, and the taste will be good.

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

6. It can also be marinated in black sauce overnight, or at least 2 hours.

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

7. Put the butter in the pan to melt, heat the oil and put the steak in (the marinated steak is in the dry juice water, if the juice is more, it will be fried in the pan, it is easy to paste the pan), first fry one side, do not turn over and fry again On the other hand, medium-fire firepower is sufficient, because most people like 7 mature ones, so the firepower is too large, and they will not be cooked on the outside and the inside. Medium fire can guarantee the ripeness and not easy to paste. Don't use a low heat, because the steak will be old and you won't be able to chew it.

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

8. Black pepper sauce flavor. Let me remind you that the steak is cooked in hot oil and cooked on medium heat. You can turn it back and forth several times to observe the color and degree of cookedness. Usually it can be done in 3 minutes, but the thicker steak can take up to 5 minutes! Don't cook it slowly over a low heat, otherwise the steak will get old. The fire is too strong, and it is easy to batter on the outside and not familiar on the inside.

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

9. This is pickled in tomato sauce. Fry the steak as little as possible, or use kitchen paper to soak up the soup on the outer layer. Use a non-stick pan to fry! It is better to have a special frying steak 😂

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

10. If a large piece of beef tenderloin can't be eaten at a time, wrap the sliced beef with plastic wrap and freeze it in the refrigerator.

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

11. Lots of pieces, put them in the refrigerator, just in case you need them.

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

12. You can also make raw cut steaks purchased online. The procedure is the same as above.

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

13. Put the fried steak on a plate, it’s pretty 😄

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

14. Let's put another one, let your imagination run into it!

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

15. Marinate the steak the night before, put it in the refrigerator overnight, and fry it at noon the next day. It's quick and tasty!

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

16. For those who are not good at frying, you can preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake for about 10 minutes.

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe

17. Mainly want to leave a snow scene🙈

Homemade Flavor Steak recipe


1. The choice of steak meat is very important. Generally, steaks are selected from beef tenderloin, which is basically lean and tender. You can also choose fattened snowflake beef for a more fragrant taste.
2. The beef slices you cut yourself are not too thick, about 1.5 cm thick, first use a knife to loosen them, and then wrap the egg whites to make them tender.
3. Choose the method of pickling according to your own time and taste, such as buying ready-made black pepper juice, tomato juice is the most convenient, because all kinds of sauces themselves are salted, so add moderate amount of salt. The taste of black pepper sauce is the most authentic and most popular👏
4. The first choice for frying oil is tallow or butter, or vegetable oil.
5. Fry the steak in the pan, do not bring any juice, try to air dry or let it dry, otherwise it will be easy to stick to the pan.


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