Homemade Kueh Juice

Homemade Kueh Juice

by noodleguo

4.8 (1)







"Kuizhi" is one of the Chaoshan special breakfasts. Last time I went home and brought back some kuih juice skins. Because of the lack of ingredients, there was no marinade or fried dough sticks, so I just made it myself.


Homemade Kueh Juice

1. Eggs, kuih peel, seaweed, cleaned pork ribs, sliced carrots

Homemade Kueh Juice recipe

2. Blanch the ribs in water, remove the residue, remove them and put the kuih sauce skin in a pot and cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Cook them and put them in a bowl.

Homemade Kueh Juice recipe

3. Add seaweed and carrots in the original soup and cook them (time as you like, and carrots can be eaten raw). Pour into the bowl just now (one tablespoon of soup left at the bottom of the pot)

Homemade Kueh Juice recipe

4. Use only a little bit of soup to nest a candy egg (something that can be solved with a pot and a spoon, insist on not using the second one)

Homemade Kueh Juice recipe


It’s too far from hometown’s breakfast, but it’s convenient and delicious.


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