Homemade Lard

Homemade Lard

by Yi Xiao Yanran

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Lard is also called meat oil or big oil. It is extracted from pork, and the initial state is a slightly yellowish translucent liquid edible oil. Lard belongs to the "fat" in oils, and it is a white or light yellow solid at room temperature. Lard has the functions of invigorating deficiency, moisturizing dryness and detoxification, and can treat symptoms such as dry viscera, unfavorable stool, dry cough, and chapped skin. Generally healthy people can eat it, especially suitable for people in cold regions.
Lard has a wide range of uses. It can be used for stir-frying and fried fish. When boiling bone soup and fish soup, add 1 tablespoon of lard to make the soup whiter; when steaming steamed buns, add lard to the noodles to make the steamed Steamed buns are smoother and whiter. But lard is not suitable for cold and fried foods. Foods flavored with it should be eaten hot. After cooling, there will be a kind of oily smell, which will affect people's appetite. In addition, lard is essential for making Chinese pastries, because lard has a good shortening effect.


Homemade Lard

1. Prepare pork fat

Homemade Lard recipe

2. Thinly sliced

Homemade Lard recipe

3. Pour water in the pot, heat over medium heat, put the fat slices into the pot and boil

Homemade Lard recipe

4. Wait for the water in the pot to boil, keep stirring

Homemade Lard recipe

5. The water vapor slowly dissipated

Homemade Lard recipe

6. Boil the water in the pot, add a little salt

Homemade Lard recipe

7. At this time the oil has slowly leaked out

Homemade Lard recipe

8. Continue to boil, keep turning over the meat slices with a spoon to extract the boiled oil

Homemade Lard recipe

9. Pour into a heat-resistant porcelain bowl, so that all the oil that has been boiled out is taken out

Homemade Lard recipe

10. Put the boiled lard in the refrigerator and keep it cool. This is after 1 hour of refrigeration, the lard has solidified

Homemade Lard recipe


When boiled, be sure to master the heat, don't get too hot, and avoid battering the meat slices. You can ask the seller to help you stir the fat into meat when buying meat, so that it is more convenient to come back and boil the lard.


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