Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes

by Yaner (from Tencent...)

4.8 (1)







The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and more and more mooncakes are being posted in the circle of friends. Among the many moon cakes, my favorite is this crispy mustard fresh meat moon cake. Compared with other sweet moon cakes, it can better meet people's needs for taste and stomach satiety. It can be used as a breakfast or as a dinner. It can be said that it is the most suitable moon cake!


Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes

1. In the auxiliary materials, all the ingredients except the whole egg liquid and white sesame seeds are mixed together, stirred evenly, and kept in the refrigerator for later use.

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes recipe

2. 1⃣️ Make water and oily skin: Take 300 grams of medium powder, 120 grams of lard, 30 grams of white sugar, and 80 grams of purified water, mix them together, knead into a smooth dough, and cover the proofing with plastic wrap; 2⃣️ Make shortbread: leftover Mix the 200 grams of medium powder and 100 grams of lard to form a smooth dough, and cover the proofing with plastic wrap.

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes recipe

3. After proofing for 40 minutes at room temperature around 25°C, divide the water and oily skin and shortbread into 20 uniform doughs.

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes recipe

4. Wrap the shortbread with water-oiled skin, seal and round

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes recipe

5. Roll into tongue

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes recipe

6. Rolled into a cylindrical shape from bottom to top

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes recipe

7. Cover with plastic wrap and relax for ten minutes

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes recipe

8. Roll it into a tongue again longitudinally

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes recipe

9. Roll up again into a tube shape from bottom to top

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes recipe

10. Relax again for ten minutes

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes recipe

11. Press the middle with chopsticks, with both ends facing up.

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes recipe

12. Flatten and roll into a dumpling skin shape.

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes recipe

13. Pack the right amount of stuffing, close the mouth tightly, and shape it.

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes recipe

14. Brush the surface with egg liquid and sprinkle with white sesame seeds. Put it in the middle layer of the preheated oven, and bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes until the surface turns yellow.

Mustard Fresh Meat Mooncakes recipe


The specific temperature and time have to be adjusted according to the temperament of the respective oven.


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