Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes

by Son and mother

5.0 (1)







Fanmao moon cakes were a very luxurious food when I was young, so I have always had a special memory of them. They are actually meringue moon cakes, but they were not very common at that time. It happened to be the August Festival that I made five-core mooncakes and leftover stuffing. Today, I made a handful of fringed mooncakes and I enjoyed it.


Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes

1. Water and oil noodles: 150 grams of flour, 40 grams of lard, 80 grams of water, 2 grams of salt, 15 grams of sugar; put all the ingredients of the water and oil noodles together and knead into a smooth dough

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe

2. Cover the water-oil dough with plastic wrap and leave it at room temperature for 25 minutes

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe

3. Pastry: 100 grams of low-gluten flour, 50 grams of lard; put all the ingredients of the pastry together and knead until the dough is smooth, cover with plastic wrap and leave it at room temperature for 25 minutes

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe

4. Divide the water and oil crust and puff pastry into 8 equal small balls

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe

5. Take a piece of water oil and press it into a circle, wrap it with shortbread, and knead it into a circle

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe

6. Roll out the round dough into a beef tongue shape

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe

7. Roll up lightly from one end, closing up

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe

8. Cover with plastic wrap and let stand for 15 minutes

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe

9. Then roll the awake dough vertically into an oval shape, make it as long as possible, and then roll it up

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe

10. Cover with plastic wrap and let stand for 15 minutes

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe

11. Divide the five-core filling into 8 parts. This is the leftover from the last time making five-core mooncakes. Take it out from the refrigerator early and it's thawed.

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe

12. Flatten the dough and roll it into a round shape

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe

13. Wrap the stuffing and close it, put it in the baking tray, and press it lightly with your hands

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe

14. I used chopsticks to dot patterns on the mooncakes. I also drew 2 little rabbits for the girl.

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe

15. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees and bake for 25 minutes

Flip-fried Five-core Moon Cakes recipe


Revisiting the plot of turning over the hair moon cakes back then, doing it with a pious heart, in fact, the process is very enjoyable, as long as the operation is serious, the success rate is still very high, and the shortening effect of lard is better.


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