How to Steam A Tender and Beautiful Custard--fresh Squid and Hibiscus Egg

How to Steam A Tender and Beautiful Custard--fresh Squid and Hibiscus Egg

by sunshinewinnie

4.9 (1)







It feels beautiful to come up with this name, and the beautiful white jade custard appears in front of me, and the taste that melts in the mouth is even more tender and attractive.

I left more protein for ice cream and wanted to make angel cakes, but there were still a lot of biscuits just made. I finally decided to make it into a dish to quickly consume these egg whites.

If the steamed custard method is wrong, it is not too big a problem. At most, pay attention next time. The taste is still good. The following picture can compare the success and failure.
Steamed egg seems to be very simple, but there are actually many tips in it. Want to know how to make a delicious and tender custard? See the tips below. "

How to Steam A Tender and Beautiful Custard--fresh Squid and Hibiscus Egg

1. Prepare the egg whites.

How to Steam A Tender and Beautiful Custard--fresh Squid and Hibiscus Egg recipe

2. Prepare squid flowers.

How to Steam A Tender and Beautiful Custard--fresh Squid and Hibiscus Egg recipe

3. Pour the milk and egg whites together and stir well.

How to Steam A Tender and Beautiful Custard--fresh Squid and Hibiscus Egg recipe

4. Sift it again.

How to Steam A Tender and Beautiful Custard--fresh Squid and Hibiscus Egg recipe

5. Pour the milk and egg liquid into the bowl.

How to Steam A Tender and Beautiful Custard--fresh Squid and Hibiscus Egg recipe

6. Cover with plastic wrap and pierce small holes with toothpicks.

How to Steam A Tender and Beautiful Custard--fresh Squid and Hibiscus Egg recipe

7. After the water boils, steam for 5-8 minutes on medium-low heat until the upper layer of the egg liquid is solidified.

How to Steam A Tender and Beautiful Custard--fresh Squid and Hibiscus Egg recipe

8. Take it out, put in the squid flower, steam for another 5 minutes, drizzle the steamed custard with sesame oil and steamed fish soy sauce, sprinkle with shallots and minced red pepper, stir well and serve.

How to Steam A Tender and Beautiful Custard--fresh Squid and Hibiscus Egg recipe

9. Although it is a failure, it is actually quite beautiful.

How to Steam A Tender and Beautiful Custard--fresh Squid and Hibiscus Egg recipe


Ingredients: 150 grams of egg white, 180 grams of milk, 180 grams of squid Seasoning: sesame oil steamed fish with soy sauce Ingredients: chopped green onions and chopped red peppers
1. Sift the steamed eggs to make the custard more tender and smooth. That being said, I personally think that the filtered protein block is quite delicious when steamed, so I will only talk about the preferences of most people here, and I will not discard it.
2. The cling film is used to separate the water dripping from the steam, and to make the custard heat more evenly during steaming.
3. When beating the eggs, you should slowly add warm water while stirring. Now the weather temperature is relatively high. I add milk at room temperature, which feels more nutritious. The steamed custard is as white as jade, so you can’t add boiled water. Everyone knows why, but why not add too cold water, because the custard steamed in cold water is harder.
4. The steamed custard with water is usually 1.2-1.5 times the weight of the egg. If you like tenderness, add more water, and if you like old, add less water.
5. Wait for the water in the steamer to boil before putting it in the steaming bowl. Don't steam it in the cold water. After the water is boiled, change it to a medium-to-small fire. Leave a seam on the lid of the pot.
6. Seasonings such as oil, light soy sauce, chopped green onion, etc. should be put after steaming. Adding before steaming can easily denature the protein, and the steamed custard is not fresh and tender.
7. The main reason to put the red pepper at the end is to look good.


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