Huaer Tangyuan

Huaer Tangyuan

by quenny

4.9 (1)







I originally wanted to make it look like a sunflower, but the long petals were cooked and put on the glutinous rice balls. They couldn't stand upright on their own, which is not like it. . . Later, I made a few small round petals, but I don’t know what flowers look like.
Crust: 60g glutinous rice flour, 5g powdered sugar, 1g salt, 35g water, cocoa powder, yellow pigment, appropriate amount Filling: 30g hazelnut filling

Huaer Tangyuan

1. Add powdered sugar and salt to the glutinous rice flour, and grab it with your hands

Huaer Tangyuan recipe

2. Add hot water and stir well and knead into a dough

Huaer Tangyuan recipe

3. Take a little kneaded dough and add cocoa powder to knead it into cocoa dough

Huaer Tangyuan recipe

4. Take a little white dough and drip it with yellow pigment and knead it into yellow dough

Huaer Tangyuan recipe

5. Put the dough of several colors in the bag to save

Huaer Tangyuan recipe

6. Divide the hazelnut filling into 8 portions and knead into small balls; then take an appropriate amount of white dough and knead into slightly larger balls

Huaer Tangyuan recipe

7. Wrap the stuffing into the glutinous rice dough, round again and set aside

Huaer Tangyuan recipe

8. Take the cocoa dough and divide it into small portions, round each portion and squash it, and put it on the white glutinous rice ball dough and stick it well

Huaer Tangyuan recipe

9. Use toothpicks to fill small holes on the surface of the cocoa dough

Huaer Tangyuan recipe

10. Take an appropriate amount of yellow dough and knead into long strips, cut into sections, knead the tips and squash them, and stick them around the cocoa dough in turn, that is, the petals

Huaer Tangyuan recipe

11. The yellow dough can also be rounded and flattened and placed around the cocoa dough as petals

Huaer Tangyuan recipe

12. Boil water in the pot and put the dumplings in the pot, cook until they float

Huaer Tangyuan recipe


1. The white dough made at the beginning can only form a dough, and the softness needs to be adjusted slowly by adding additional water;
2. Before placing the petals on the glutinous rice balls, you can dip a little water on the back to make it stickier.


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