Hydrangea Burger

Hydrangea Burger

by Mother Maizi

4.8 (1)







KFC’s same burger, continue to try Italian butter! Still use the red dragon fruit and the noodles, the natural color, eat at ease! You have the final say as to what is in it! I used lettuce, beef patties and cheese slices! "


Hydrangea Burger

1. First mash the red dragon fruit

Hydrangea Burger recipe

2. Put the dragon fruit puree and egg liquid in the bread bucket, add sugar in one corner and salt in one corner

Hydrangea Burger recipe

3. Add high powder and yeast

Hydrangea Burger recipe

4. Put the bread bucket into the machine, activate the IMIX button, and start kneading, the default is 20 minutes

Hydrangea Burger recipe

5. To prepare the butter, use Bravelle butter from Italy, which has a strong milk flavor.

Hydrangea Burger recipe

6. Add small pieces of butter to continue mixing

Hydrangea Burger recipe

7. I used a one-and-a-half program for 30 minutes. I took out the dough and left it at room temperature for basic fermentation.

Hydrangea Burger recipe

8. Prove the dough to double its size

Hydrangea Burger recipe

9. The dough is flattened and exhausted into 6 medium doughs, each medium dough is divided into 4 small doughs, a total of 24 small doughs

Hydrangea Burger recipe

10. Knead the small dough into long strips

Hydrangea Burger recipe

11. Take four of them and cross them together in a tic tac toe

Hydrangea Burger recipe

12. Two adjacent ones, put the lower one on the upper one, make a circle counterclockwise, and then make a circle clockwise (the detailed method of hydrangea is in the two-color toast in front)

Hydrangea Burger recipe

13. Repeat this way, until it can no longer be used, plug the connector into the bottom to make the shape of a hydrangea

Hydrangea Burger recipe

14. Then put the hydrangea into the paper film for secondary fermentation

Hydrangea Burger recipe

15. After fermentation, brush with egg liquid

Hydrangea Burger recipe

16. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes

Hydrangea Burger recipe

17. Cut the bread in the middle after it cools

Hydrangea Burger recipe

18. Put lettuce and beef patties

Hydrangea Burger recipe

19. Squeeze some salad dressing and cheese slices (the ingredients in the middle are not written in the table)

Hydrangea Burger recipe

20. Just put the other half on

Hydrangea Burger recipe


I made 6 hydrangea hamburger embryos in total!
Choose a larger egg, 2 egg mixtures are between 100-110 grams, and the rest will be used to brush the noodles!
I did not use water with the dough, because the puree is also thick and thin, so I adjust it according to the actual situation!


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