Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks

by KL Le Yoyo

4.7 (1)







This [Italian Braised Chicken Drumsticks] is a dish that uses one and a half onion to cook; but it won’t have the spicy flavor of onion, even children can eat it. The ketchup made by myself is also very rich. In addition to bibimbap, it can also be used as an ingredient in burritos.

Tomatoes can increase the body’s immunity and are very popular abroad; foreigners like to use tomatoes to stew or braise meat. There is also a festival in Spain, just like the Songkran Festival in Thailand; but the Spanish put tomatoes one by one. Throw them from the truck to the people, and the people will crush the tomatoes. Everyone throws tomatoes at each other. This may seem a pity, but this is a culture of the Spanish.

I chose a non-stick pan to make this dish. You don’t have to worry about sticking to the bottom when you cook the tomato sauce; you don’t worry about scorching the chicken legs when you braise them. The cooked chicken legs are still beautiful and the skin is intact.


Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks

1. First make the tomato sauce, prepare a proper amount of water and heat it until bubbles are formed; after the tomatoes are washed, cross the bottom with a knife.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

2. After the water is heated, add the tomatoes, the bottom of the cross is facing down, boil for 1 minute and then turn off the heat.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

3. Then put the top of the tomato down for 1 minute and then take it out and let it cool.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

4. After cooling, peel off the tomato skin and cut into diced tomatoes.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

5. Cut half an onion into cubes.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

6. Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil to the pot and sauté the onions over medium heat until they have a yellow flavor.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

7. Then add dried parsley leaves.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

8. Continue to add the diced tomatoes, stir and boil evenly, then turn to low heat and cook for 20 minutes. Stir until the water is dry for 20 minutes.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

9. After the chicken legs are washed, use kitchen paper to absorb excess water, add salt, rosemary, and black pepper to marinate for 20 minutes; cut an onion into cubes, peel the garlic, and combine the boiled tomato sauce, red wine and black pepper. The olives are set aside.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

10. Put 3 tablespoons of olive oil in a pot, add diced onion and garlic, stir-fry for 5 minutes over medium heat, and then transfer to a bowl.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

11. Put the marinated chicken drumsticks in the same pot.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

12. Fry the surface of the chicken legs to golden brown over medium heat.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

13. Then add the red wine and turn to high heat to evaporate the alcohol.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

14. Turn the chicken legs on the other side and turn off the heat. This process can be done within 1 minute.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

15. Put the prepared salt, tomato sauce, stock, black olives, fried onion and garlic in another pot and bring to a boil over medium heat.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

16. Then stir-fry evenly, close the lid and simmer for 20 minutes.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

17. It needs to be stir-fried.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

18. Add the chicken legs after 20 minutes, and pour the red wine in the pot into the tomato sauce.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

19. Cover the lid over medium-high heat and simmer until the sauce is dry.

Italian Style Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe


-Ketchup can be bought in ready-made cans. It is not recommended to use ketchup with dipping sauce.
-The dried parsley leaves used to cook the tomato sauce can be replaced with basil.
-Dried rosemary for marinated chicken drumsticks can also be replaced with fresh rosemary.


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