June Yellow Stewed Eggs

June Yellow Stewed Eggs

by Mother Maizi

4.8 (1)







The so-called "June Yellow" refers to "boy crabs". These male "boy crabs" that have just gone through the third shelling are generally about 2 taels in weight. They have a crisp outer shell, a soft inner shell, a heavy fishy smell and a plump meat. The characteristics of June yellow are mainly male crabs. It is famous for its thin shell and tender yellow flesh. I used it to stew eggs today, but it's a pity that the egg mixture was a little steamed!


June Yellow Stewed Eggs

1. Put the eggs in a bowl, add some salt and cooking wine to beat

June Yellow Stewed Eggs recipe

2. After whipping evenly, strain with a sieve

June Yellow Stewed Eggs recipe

3. Then add warm water according to the ratio of egg liquid and water 1:1.5

June Yellow Stewed Eggs recipe

4. This is the mixed egg

June Yellow Stewed Eggs recipe

5. Wash the bought June Yellow

June Yellow Stewed Eggs recipe

6. Cut in half

June Yellow Stewed Eggs recipe

7. Place ginger slices on the bottom of the plate, and put a small slice of ginger on every half of the section of June yellow

June Yellow Stewed Eggs recipe

8. Pour a little more cooking wine

June Yellow Stewed Eggs recipe

9. Pour the egg wash into the dish (my dish is shallow and small!)

June Yellow Stewed Eggs recipe

10. Boil water in a pot, put the egg mixture in a steamer and steam for 10 minutes

June Yellow Stewed Eggs recipe

11. Sprinkle chopped green onion on the steamed egg mixture (my egg mixture has been steamed)

June Yellow Stewed Eggs recipe

12. Pour some steamed fish soy sauce

June Yellow Stewed Eggs recipe

13. Heat a proper amount of oil in a small pot and pour it on the egg liquid

June Yellow Stewed Eggs recipe

14. Finished picture

June Yellow Stewed Eggs recipe


My egg mixture has been steamed because my plate is too shallow


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