Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup

by Wanshanhong

4.8 (1)







I made this noodle today. I used the soup from the big bones of the pig and then cooked the lamb belly. The noodles were cooked with the cooked meat and soup. The broth was fragrant and gluten. Come to a bowl in the cold winter, and you will be served immediately. It's warm all over.
Lamb meat is tender, delicious and rich in nutrients. According to analysis, every 100 grams of lamb contains 13.3 grams of protein, 34.6 grams of fat, 0.7 grams of carbohydrates, 11 milligrams of calcium, 129 milligrams of phosphorus, and 2.0 milligrams of iron. It also contains vitamin B, vitamin A, niacin and so on. Lamb is hot in nature and sweet in taste. It is a good product suitable for tonic and yang in winter. The motherland medicine believes that it can help Yuanyang, replenish essence and blood, heal lung deficiency, and benefit fatigue. It is a tonic and strong medicine. According to "Materia Medica Renewal", it can "tonify deficiency, nourish energy, strengthen yang, appetite and strengthen." Lamb is hot in nature and is suitable for consumption in winter. If you suffer from acute inflammation, exogenous fever, initial recovery from fever, skin sores, boils, etc., you should avoid eating lamb. "


Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup

1. Knead the noodles at least two hours in advance: add 4 grams of salt to the flour and 30 degrees of warm water about half of the amount of the flour, mix the noodles into a smooth dough, and then cover the cloth for more than 30 minutes

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe

2. Divide the flour into a dough, knead it into a small dough, and cover it with a cloth for about 15 minutes

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe

3. Then use a rolling pin to roll out a long piece, pressing a mark in the middle with chopsticks

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe

4. The surface of each dough should be smeared with oil and sealed with a fresh-keeping bag after all is finished, for more than 1 hour. In this way, after a few steps of noodles, the noodles will be chewy and tasty when they are cooked.

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe

5. Wash the big bones with cold water and put it into the pot

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe

6. When the scum floats, remove the scum and remove it, and wash the surface of the big bone with hot water to thoroughly wash the scum

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe

7. Put the water in the pot, then put the big bones, add sliced ginger, 2 star anise, about 20 peppercorns, turn to a low heat and slow cooker.

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe

8. Boil the big bone soup for about 2 hours, skim off the slick oil and use only the clear soup

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe

9. Wash lamb belly and cut into mahjong pieces

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe

10. Put the pork bone clear soup in the casserole, put the lamb, and then put the ginger and the right amount of angelica

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe

11. After the high heat is boiled, simmer for one hour on low heat until the meat is soft and rotten

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe

12. Take the right amount of soup and meat, I only make two bowls at a time, my family has many, so I make three pots

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe

13. Add salt and pepper to taste

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe

14. Pull the noodles into long strips by hand and cook them, and finally cook some vegetables

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe

15. Put the boiled noodles in a bowl, then add coriander and cooked quail eggs, you can also put a little chili oil, let's start

Lamb Belly and Big Bone Noodle Soup recipe


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