Lettuce and Egg Pancakes

Lettuce and Egg Pancakes

by Mr.P (from Tencent....)

4.7 (1)




1h 30m



On the first day of the holiday, when I woke up in the morning, I wanted to try making pancakes. I took out the electric baking pan I had never used before and made a lettuce egg pancake.


Lettuce and Egg Pancakes

1. Chopped lettuce

Lettuce and Egg Pancakes recipe

2. Add scrambled eggs

Lettuce and Egg Pancakes recipe

3. Then add the whole grain powder

Lettuce and Egg Pancakes recipe

4. Add salt and five spice powder

Lettuce and Egg Pancakes recipe

5. Add water

Lettuce and Egg Pancakes recipe

6. Stir well

Lettuce and Egg Pancakes recipe

7. Stirred

Lettuce and Egg Pancakes recipe

8. Then pour the batter into the electric baking pan

Lettuce and Egg Pancakes recipe

9. Pan fried

Lettuce and Egg Pancakes recipe

10. Heat up and down to fry

Lettuce and Egg Pancakes recipe


Lettuce and Egg Pancakes recipe


Electric baking pan, heating up and down for frying


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