Lettuce with Peanut Butter Sauce

Lettuce with Peanut Butter Sauce

by tgcyy

4.7 (1)







Lettuce contains a lot of vitamins and a lot of calcium, iron, protein, fat, vitamin A, VB1, VB2 and other nutrients. It is the top grade among raw vegetables. Lettuce with peanut soy sauce is simple and quick. The taste is spicy and refreshing, it is a good cold dish with wine!


Lettuce with Peanut Butter Sauce

1. Fried peanuts in cold oil.

Lettuce with Peanut Butter Sauce recipe

2. Chop the fried peanuts.

Lettuce with Peanut Butter Sauce recipe

3. Put salt, light soy sauce, chili oil, sugar, vinegar, squeeze out an appropriate amount of peanut butter in a bowl, and mix well.

Lettuce with Peanut Butter Sauce recipe

4. Wash the lettuce, cut into sections, pour a bowl of juice, and sprinkle with chopped peanuts.

Lettuce with Peanut Butter Sauce recipe

5. Finished product.

Lettuce with Peanut Butter Sauce recipe


Please add the amount of chili oil according to your personal taste. If there is no peanut butter, tahini is also possible.


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