Lotus Seed, Lily, Red Date, Wolfberry and Tremella Soup

Lotus Seed, Lily, Red Date, Wolfberry and Tremella Soup

by LindaGL

4.7 (1)







"Lotus seed, lily, wolfberry, red dates and white fungus soup" is a delicious sweet soup with the functions of invigorating the spleen and appetizing, replenishing qi and clearing the intestines. It is suitable for high-temperature summer consumption. The "lotus seed, lily, wolfberry, red dates and white fungus soup" made by high-temperature simmering in a pressure cooker can effectively retain the nutrients of the ingredients. It has the effects of moisturizing the lungs and promoting fluid, relieving cough and clearing heat, replenishing qi and blood, and can improve chronic bronchitis and high blood pressure. , Vascular sclerosis, etc. In addition, because Tremella is rich in natural plant-based gums, has the effect of nourishing yin, it can moisturize and rejuvenate the skin, beautify and nourish the skin. It is a good nutritional tonic. Girls who drink more Tremella soup will become more and more beautiful! !


Lotus Seed, Lily, Red Date, Wolfberry and Tremella Soup

1. Weigh and prepare all the raw materials, such as dried white fungus, lotus seed paste, red dates, old rock sugar, lily, wolfberry, etc.

Lotus Seed, Lily, Red Date, Wolfberry and Tremella Soup recipe

2. Choose good quality dry white fungus, the ear flowers are large and loose, the ear flesh is thick, the color is white or slightly yellow, the pedicle has no dark spots or impurities, the flower shape is relatively round, large and beautiful, if the white fungus looks particularly white , Then it’s best not to buy it, it is probably the white fungus that has been treated with chemicals in the later stage. Soak the dried white fungus in water for about 5 minutes.

Lotus Seed, Lily, Red Date, Wolfberry and Tremella Soup recipe

3. When soaking white fungus and white fungus, you must pay attention to reduce the loss of nutrients. It is best to use cold water to soak white fungus. Slowly let the water soak into the white fungus and make the white fungus transparent. This kind of white fungus is of good quality and contains nutrients. It is also very good, not easy to lose. The volume of the soaked white fungus is more than three times larger, and it is white and soft.

Lotus Seed, Lily, Red Date, Wolfberry and Tremella Soup recipe

4. Remove the roots of the white fungus, keep the white flowers of the white fungus, and tear them into pieces. The more broken the better, it is good for simmering. The white fungus is shredded and rinsed repeatedly to wash away the dirt on the epidermis. The white fungus after soaking and washing is naturally pure white. Drain the water and set aside.

Lotus Seed, Lily, Red Date, Wolfberry and Tremella Soup recipe

5. Red dates, lotus seed paste, lily, wolfberry, etc. are rinsed repeatedly with clean water and drained for later use.

Lotus Seed, Lily, Red Date, Wolfberry and Tremella Soup recipe

6. Put the shredded white fungus into the electric pressure cooker. Red dates, lotus seed paste, lily, wolfberry, old rock sugar, etc. are put into the electric pressure cooker all at once.

Lotus Seed, Lily, Red Date, Wolfberry and Tremella Soup recipe

7. Pour in clear water, and the clear water should be about 1 inch higher than the ingredients. If the water is right, the soup will thicken. When the white fungus soup is simmering, the soup is easy to overflow the pot, so it is not suitable to fill the electric pressure cooker, and the electric pressure cooker must leave enough space for simmering.

Lotus Seed, Lily, Red Date, Wolfberry and Tremella Soup recipe

8. The electric pressure cooker is set under the function key of "beans/foot tendons" to simmer for about 35 minutes. After tripping, simmer for another 20 minutes before eating. The cooked white fungus soup thickens into a paste without layering.

Lotus Seed, Lily, Red Date, Wolfberry and Tremella Soup recipe

9. The white fungus soup is red and white, crystal clear.

Lotus Seed, Lily, Red Date, Wolfberry and Tremella Soup recipe

10. The white fungus soup has a smooth taste and is sweet and mellow. It is the best sweet soup for clearing away heat and relieving heat in summer!

Lotus Seed, Lily, Red Date, Wolfberry and Tremella Soup recipe


1. Different brands of electric pressure cookers and different materials of white fungus will affect the cooking time. The cooked and thick white fungus shall prevail.
2. When the white fungus soup is simmering, the soup is easy to overflow the pot, so it is not suitable to fill the electric pressure cooker. The electric pressure cooker must leave enough space for simmering.
3. For those who need to treat cough, add Chuanbei powder and Sydney cubes to this formula. The medicinal effect is quite obvious.


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