Lotus Seed Soup

Lotus Seed Soup

by sourcehe

4.8 (1)







Health preservation in summer is very important. The weather is hot and eating meat is high in calories. It is not as healthy as a vegetarian diet. Lotus seed health soup, light, dry and sweet, to quench thirst, low-calorie delicacy.
The ingredients used in the lotus seed health soup are: lotus seeds, lilies, wolfberry, red dates, yuba, horseshoes, and carrots. High in dietary fiber, can eat full, and will not grow meat. Lotus seeds have the effect of nourishing the mind and calming the nerves. Lily is rich in vitamin B and vitamin E, which has nourishing, nourishing and calming effects. Lycium barbarum has the effects of relieving fever, relieving cough, clearing heat and improving eyesight. Red dates, nourishes the blood and nourishes the mind. Yuba bean products are rich in nutrients and low in calories. Horseshoe is also called water chestnuts, which are rich in vitamins and protein, clearing away heat and moisturizing the lungs, soothing the liver and improving eyesight, promoting qi and improving vitality. Carrots do not need to be introduced, they are rich in carotene.


Lotus Seed Soup

1. Prepare ingredients: lotus seeds, dried lily, wolfberry, red dates, yuba, horseshoe, carrots and other ingredients;

Lotus Seed Soup recipe

2. Wash lotus seeds, lilies, and yuba separately and soak softly;

Lotus Seed Soup recipe

3. Prepare ingredients: lotus seeds, dried lily, wolfberry, red dates, yuba, horseshoe, carrots and other ingredients;

Lotus Seed Soup recipe

4. Wash the wolfberry and red dates, put it into the stew pot with all the ingredients, and add an appropriate amount of water;

Lotus Seed Soup recipe

5. Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot and stew over the water;

Lotus Seed Soup recipe

6. The stew pot is covered with a lid and simmered for 3 hours; PS: The pot is also covered with a lid, and there is no lid for taking pictures.

Lotus Seed Soup recipe

7. You can enjoy the sweet and delicious health regimen.

Lotus Seed Soup recipe


1. Choose lotus seeds to be dry and full, without sulfur;
2The lotus seeds, dried lilies, and yuba must be soaked softly;
3. The horseshoe should be sweet;
4. Choose tender carrots.


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