[lu Cuisine]: Crispy Seaweed

[lu Cuisine]: Crispy Seaweed

by kiss war girl

4.7 (1)







The color is dark brown, the taste is salty, sweet and slightly sour, and the quality is soft and delicious. This dish is suitable for wine and rice. "

[lu Cuisine]: Crispy Seaweed

1. Soak the kelp in boiling water, wash it up, and cut it into large pieces.

[lu Cuisine]: Crispy Seaweed recipe

2. Cut the pork leg into long strips, cut the onion into sections, and slice the ginger.

[lu Cuisine]: Crispy Seaweed recipe

3. Spread the kelp on the chopping board, put a sliced meat strip on it, and then roll the kelp into a roll and tie it tightly with a lotus grass.

[lu Cuisine]: Crispy Seaweed recipe

4. Wash the casserole, put dried tofu on the bottom of the pot and sprinkle with soybeans.

[lu Cuisine]: Crispy Seaweed recipe

5. Roll the kelp on it, arrange a layer of green onion and sliced ginger.

[lu Cuisine]: Crispy Seaweed recipe

6. Put sugar, salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, vinegar, into the pot.

[lu Cuisine]: Crispy Seaweed recipe

7. Pour the water and the kelp rolls to be level.

[lu Cuisine]: Crispy Seaweed recipe

8. Bring to a boil on the fire, then cover the pot tightly and simmer for about 3 hours on low heat.

[lu Cuisine]: Crispy Seaweed recipe

9. When the soup is almost dry, put it down in the pot and let it cool before taking it out.

[lu Cuisine]: Crispy Seaweed recipe

10. Untie the alpinia, cut the kelp into a horseshoe shape and put it on a plate.

[lu Cuisine]: Crispy Seaweed recipe


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