Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake

by Machine burning love gong meow

4.6 (1)




1h 30m



I have always made my own baking from raw materials to finished products, but this time I bought the black sesame seeds for the black sesame mooncakes, because I fried the jujube mud to make the jujube mud mooncakes. The jujube skin inside is particularly obvious. I don’t have a wall breaking machine. I bought the filling for the second black sesame seeds. However, with some roasted black sesame seeds, it tastes richer, and because of the black sesame seeds, it feels more granular as you eat it.

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake

1. First, before making mooncakes, some preparations need to be done:
1. Alkaline noodles: water=1:3 to mix 4g of soap, only 2g for the recipe
2. Roast black sesame seeds for 4 minutes at 180 degrees, then crush them with a rolling pin

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe

2. First, pour the crushed black sesame seeds into the black sesame filling and mix them evenly. Then divide them into 30g each. The round is 600g black sesame filling, and 20 inset balls are made.

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe

3. Now let’s make the mooncakes, pour the inverted syrup and wash water into the bowl, and mix well

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe

4. Add peanut oil and mix well

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe

5. Sift in the flour and milk powder

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe

6. After mixing with a spoon, grasp the dough with your hands and let it stand for 30 minutes to 1 hour

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe

7. Divide the rested dough into small balls according to 20g, exactly 20 pieces

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe

8. Then you can start making mooncakes

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe

9. First, knead the mooncake dough and press it into a pie shape and place it on the palm of your right hand. Then place the filling in the cake. Press the black sesame filling from left and right to gather the outer skin of the mooncake on your right hand, so that the outer skin is evenly wrapped around the inside. Sink, close your mouth at the end

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe

10. After all the mooncakes are wrapped, you can start to shape the mooncakes

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe

11. Sprinkle the moon cake mold with flour and pour it out to prevent the moon cake from sticking

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe

12. Put the wrapped moon cake dough into the mold

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe

13. Press in the baking tray to press all the mooncakes and spray some clear water on them, put them in the preheated oven, and bake at 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe

14. Take out the surface and brush with a very thin layer of egg liquid and continue to bake for 15 minutes.

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe

15. The baked mooncakes are very hard and not shiny. They will only be delicious after 3.4 days of oil return.

Luzhou Black Sesame Moon Cake recipe


I have always made my own baking from raw materials to finished products, but this time I bought the black sesame seeds for the black sesame mooncakes, because I fried the jujube mud to make the jujube mud mooncakes. The jujube skin inside is particularly obvious. I don’t have a wall breaking machine. I bought the filling for the second black sesame seeds. However, with some roasted black sesame seeds, it tastes richer, and because there are black sesame seeds, it feels more granular as you chew. Mooncakes are high-oil pastries. Although it is Mid-Autumn Festival, it should not be too much. Just eat one or two


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