Mango Jelly Ice Cream
The ingredients are ready. When choosing coconut milk, you should pay attention to the ingredient list. The fewer things you add to the ingredient list, the healthier it is. It is best to use pure coconut milk.
Soak the gelatine slices in cold water for about 2 minutes, soak softly and set aside. (It can be fished out if it becomes slightly soft, it will melt after soaking for too long)
Pour the milk, coconut milk, and sugar into a non-stick pan, bring to a boil on low heat, stir it slightly, bring it to the boil immediately, and let it cool in cold water.
Add the softened gelatin while it is hot and stir until completely melted.
After preventing the milk juice from being warm, filter it to remove excess foam, and it will come out more beautifully.
Pour the filtered milk juice into the popsicle mold, 8 minutes full, don't be greedy, put the mango diced in different positions, don't put too much mango diced, just garnish it slightly. Put the popsicle molds in the refrigerator and freeze them overnight until they are completely hardened.
1. The 10 grams of gelatin slices have a thick texture that I prefer, no ice slag, and very dense. It is not recommended to reduce the amount of gelatine tablets. In order to avoid ice scum, the ice cream is too hard. If you use gelatin powder, it is recommended to use 7 grams of powder, add 20 grams of water outside the cube, mix well and melt, then add it to hot milk and mix until it melts.
2. Replace the fruit pellets with your favorite watermelon, strawberry, cranberry. . . You can transform into a variety of different fruit popsicles, delicate and tender, cool and relieving heat, make them for children in summer, this summer, no need to buy ice cream.