Mango Red Shrimp Skewers

Mango Red Shrimp Skewers

by A Apple Kitchen

4.8 (1)







This dish only takes ten minutes at most. It is simple to prepare, but it is very attractive. There are fruits, seafood, and vegetables. The dishes are colorful and the taste is quite good. For the shrimp, I use the Argentine Red Shrimp, which is directly connected to the Antarctic. It is big, red in color, fresh and sweet, and it can be eaten by the elderly or babies. This kind of shrimp is raw. We only need to stir-fry it to mix it with mango. Even a novice in the kitchen can easily operate it. If you are interested, you might as well give it a try!
Ingredients used:
Argentine red shrimp, 6 green mangoes, 1/2 garlic, 2 ginger, 3 peppers, 10 fennel seeds, 15 olive oil, salt, and sugar. "


Mango Red Shrimp Skewers

1. Prepare ingredients.

Mango Red Shrimp Skewers recipe

2. Put the pepper and fennel seeds in the pot first, then pour olive oil and sauté until fragrant.

Mango Red Shrimp Skewers recipe

3. Cut the ginger into minced pieces, smash the garlic into minced pieces, and stir-fry in a pot to get a fragrance.

Mango Red Shrimp Skewers recipe

4. Thaw the Argentine red shrimp in advance, put it in a pot, and turn to high heat. If you use other prawns, it is fine, but remember to pick out the prawn threads so as not to eat them.

Mango Red Shrimp Skewers recipe

5. Stir-fry until the shrimp is bent and cooked, add a little salt and sugar to turn off the heat. Remember, the prawns should be cooked well, don’t fry them too much to keep the prawns crispy and tender.

Mango Red Shrimp Skewers recipe

6. Put the fried shrimps through a toothpick or fruit fork and set aside.

Mango Red Shrimp Skewers recipe

7. Peel the mango and cut into large pieces. My mango is a bit too thorough, so the cut is a bit uneven, please cut it as flat as possible.

Mango Red Shrimp Skewers recipe

8. Put the shrimp and mango together and put them on the plate. The bottom can be decorated with chopped bitter chrysanthemum. Enjoy it!

Mango Red Shrimp Skewers recipe


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