Marinated Chicken Feet

Marinated Chicken Feet

by Baiwei Fresh Marinade

4.8 (1)







Many young friends like to eat marinated chicken feet, and their own marinated chicken feet are not satisfactory. It is raining today and I will show you the professional marinated chicken feet in my leisure time.


Marinated Chicken Feet

1. Wash chicken feet

Marinated Chicken Feet recipe

2. Soak the brine for several hours in advance. Add caramelized water, salt and sugar to the brine to taste, increase the onion and old ginger to remove the smell, and put the washed chicken feet directly into the brine to boil. Turn off the heat after turning it on. Simmer for 25 minutes

Marinated Chicken Feet recipe

3. Take the chicken feet out of the pan, brush with a layer of cooked oil, let cool and serve

Marinated Chicken Feet recipe


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