Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns

by Hao mom who loves baking

4.8 (1)







Matcha, mochi and red beans are really good together! Matcha control must love it too much!


Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns

1. Knead all the ingredients except butter until smooth, then add butter and knead until the film is formed, and finally cover with plastic wrap and ferment twice as big!

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

2. Prepare mochi during the fermentation process: put glutinous rice flour, corn flour, milk, and sugar into a steamer to cook. After steaming, add butter to mix and set aside!

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

3. The fermented dough is divided into 5 equal parts, covered with plastic wrap, and let stand for 20 minutes

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

4. Roll out the static dough with a dough pin, then take an appropriate amount of mochi and roll it out, put the rolled mochi on the dough, and finally put your favorite fillings

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

5. This is stuffed with cheese

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

6. After all the small doughs are filled with fillings, put them in the oven, put a bowl of hot water in the oven, carry out the second fermentation, and the fermentation will be twice as big! Finally, sift some flour on the surface of the small dough for decoration, and use a sharp blade to cut out the patterns you like.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

7. Put it in a preheated oven and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes (the specific time depends on the temper of your own oven) and cover with tin foil!

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe


1. See the water absorption of your own flour. 2. Pay attention to the coloring. Cover the tin foil slowly. Don't look at it if the coloring is heavy.


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