Milk Jujube Porridge

Milk Jujube Porridge

by dokeer21

5.0 (1)







Diet for postpartum calcium supplementation. Rice is the basic food for people to supplement nutrients. Rice porridge has the effects of nourishing the spleen, strengthening the stomach and clearing the lungs. Milk contains a lot of calcium, and the human body absorbs it at a high rate. The vitamin C content in black jujube is very high, and rice porridge can not only supplement calcium, but also nourish the stomach and blood.
After 10 months of hard gestation, the baby is born! For the health of the baby, many mothers choose to feed their children by themselves. However, mothers have lower levels of estrogen and higher levels of prolactin in the postpartum body. Therefore, the ability of bones to renew calcium before menstruation is poor, and the calcium in milk tends to consume too much body calcium. At this time, if sufficient calcium is not supplemented, it will cause backaches, leg cramps, loose teeth and osteoporosis and other "confinement diseases"; severely, it will also cause infants to develop rickets due to calcium deficiency, which will affect tooth eruption and physical fitness. Growth and development of the nervous system. So postpartum calcium supplementation is as important as during pregnancy. New mothers after childbirth, especially breastfeeding mothers, need to consume about 1500 mg of calcium per day, so that every liter of milk secreted contains more than 300 mg of calcium. The greater the milk secretion, the greater the calcium requirement. Food is the main source of calcium intake by the human body. Calcium in food is absorbed through the intestine, but the intestine can only absorb 20%-30%, and the rest is excreted in feces. Milk is the best calcium-supplementing food, not only rich in calcium, but also high in human body absorption. Seafood, soy products, Qing Lai and eggs are also good sources of calcium. The calcium in eggs is mainly in the yolk. Green leafy vegetables also contain a lot of calcium, but some vegetables are high in oxalic acid or phytic acid. When combined with calcium, they will form solid substances that are not digested by the human body. For example, people often say that "spinach cannot be cooked with tofu". . However, we should not stop eating plant foods when supplementing calcium because phytic acid affects the absorption of calcium. As long as we process calcium-containing foods and phytic acid-containing foods separately, there will be no effect when we eat them. In order to get a better intake of calcium, eat less fatty foods, such as fatty meat and chicken skin, because they contain a large amount of saturated fat and easily saponify with the calcium in the food, thereby reducing the absorption rate of calcium. Vegetable oil should be used more when cooking. If a woman can continue to supplement her own lack of calcium throughout her life, she can keep her body healthy in the years to come, and the baby's growth and development can also be guaranteed. "


Milk Jujube Porridge

1. The rice is washed clean.

2. Put the pot on the fire, put an appropriate amount of water (about 1000 g), rice

3. Simmer for 20 minutes. When the rice is rotten, add milk and red dates and cook for 10 minutes.

4. After boiling, add brown sugar when eating, then boil, put in a bowl and serve.


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