Millet Steamed Cake

Millet Steamed Cake

by Junhan's mother makes complementary food

4.6 (1)







Millet, as a coarse grain, is rich in dietary fiber. It is the only alkaline food in whole grains ~ rich in protein and B vitamins. For babies whose intestinal function is not well-developed, it can be regarded as a star food supplement in the food supplement industry. Not only is it more nutritious than rice, it also nourishes the stomach.

You must not have imagined that Xiaomi can be made into steamed cakes! For babies who are tired of eating millet porridge, millet paste, millet cakes, mothers can try to do this ~ not only can solve the problem that babies do not like to eat whole grains, but millet can also alleviate the problem of constipation.


Millet Steamed Cake

1. Prepare ingredients: 120g millet, 3 eggs, 20g pumpkin, 10g corn oil, 25g sugar.
(PS: Jun Han’s mother shared an article before, “How to eat the first bite of complementary food? Mom, did you do it right?” It was mentioned in the article: What is the daily amount of oil needed for a baby from 6 to 12 months 5-10g, the amount of oil needed for babies from 1 to 3 years old is 20-25g. Moms add oil according to the baby’s months of age. Babies over one year old can use 25g of vegetable oil here.)

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

2. Wash the millet once and soak it in clean water for 2 hours.
(PS: Soaking is to make the steamed cake taste better.)

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

3. Drain the soaked millet and set aside.

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

4. Peel the pumpkin.
(PS: The pumpkin in it is sprinkled on the millet cake at the end. The hemp can also be replaced with cranberries, dates, walnuts or other vegetables. If there is nothing, this step can be omitted.)

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

5. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes about 2 to 3 mm in size and set aside.

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

6. Use an egg yolk separator to separate the yolk from the egg white, 3 eggs.

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

7. Put millet, 3 egg yolks, and 10g vegetable oil into the mixing cup.
(PS: Mommy Junhan made the baby version here. The baby after one year old can put in 20~25g vegetable oil.)

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

8. Break the millet, stir into a millet paste, and stir evenly.
(PS: In this step, you must stir for a while to break the millet into pieces. The steamed millet cake will taste better.)

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

9. Alright, the millet paste is ready. spare

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

10. Put the egg whites in a clean egg-beating bowl, making sure that there is no water or oil. Put the whisk into the egg liquid vertically.

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

11. Beat vertically.

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

12. In the process of whipping, put 25g of white sugar into the egg white three times and beat it continuously.
(PS: The reason for the three divisions is that the egg whites can be fully mixed with the sugar. And the white sugar can help beat the egg whites very well.

It can also reduce the amount of sugar, according to the actual age of the baby. )

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

13. As shown in the figure, when you lift the whisk, it would be nice to be able to appear such a triangle.
(PS: Mothers must not think that the longer the beaten, the better. Over beaten the egg whites, the meringue will defoam faster, and the cakes made in this way will not be easy to shape.)

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

14. Take out 1/3 of the meringue and put it in the millet paste.

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

15. As shown in the figure, the millet paste and egg whites are mixed evenly by cutting and mixing.
(PS: Cut it in the middle, turn it clockwise along the wall of the bowl and turn it over from the outside to the inside. This cutting and mixing is even to prevent the meringue from defoaming.)

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

16. Put the evenly stirred millet paste into the remaining meringue and continue to cut and mix evenly.

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

17. Brush an appropriate amount of oil on the mold.
(PS: Brushing the oil on the inner wall of the container is for the steamed rice cake to be better demoulded.)

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

18. Put the mixed cake batter into the container, 8 minutes full.

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

19. Sprinkle diced pumpkin on the surface of the cake batter.

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

20. Wrap it with a layer of plastic wrap, and moms can also use baking paper. Put it in a steamer and steam for about 30 minutes until it is cooked through.
(PS: Cover with plastic wrap to prevent moisture from entering and affecting the taste. I steam it directly in a pot on cold water.)

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

21. Alright, the fluffy steamed millet cake will be out of the pot!

Millet Steamed Cake recipe

22. It can be used as the staple food of the baby's meal. For babies who don’t like to eat whole grains, mom can steam it like this~

Millet Steamed Cake recipe


Millet is rich in protein, B vitamins and dietary fiber, which can promote baby's intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation. Not only for babies, it is also a good stomach food for adults.

If the millet collapses after steaming, Mommy Junhan will share a reminder for everyone. If it collapses after steaming, you can turn off the heat, turn the container upside down, and simmer in the steamer for 5 minutes before taking it out.

Normally, according to Junhan's mother's formula, there is no collapse. Mothers depend on the situation.


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