Minced Meat with Garlic Sprouts

Minced Meat with Garlic Sprouts

by meggy dancing apple

4.9 (1)







What is private kitchen? I never figured it out. I think that any dish that I cook can be called a private dish, just like a simple scrambled egg with tomatoes, a thousand noodles, with more ingredients and less ingredients, and the heat is bigger and smaller, and they will have different flavors. As long as it's your own taste, it's a private dish, right?
Northerners like to order small pickles for porridge, so my mother picks some pickles every year. Turnips, kohlrabi, lumps, potherb mustard, etc., continue all the year round. The small radishes picked up from the vegetable field are not delicious when fried and stewed, so my mother pickled them all into pickles.
This pickled radish was taken out of the jar last time, and it was placed on the window sill without eating that much. The small breeze blew for a few days, and it was all lingering. We are still diligent and thrifty in our bones. Seeing it left out in the cold, we are not at ease in our hearts. Today, it happened that I wanted to fry a side dish to increase my appetite, so I took advantage of it. Hey, unexpectedly, this bowl of side dishes is very popular on the table. My mother seldom eats meat dishes. She really ate several spoonfuls of this one. When she learned that it was the small wilted radish inside, she was so happy that all the folds on her face were opened.
Haha, a small change in life can have so much fun!


Minced Meat with Garlic Sprouts

1. Materials are ready;

Minced Meat with Garlic Sprouts recipe

2. Dice garlic sprouts;

Minced Meat with Garlic Sprouts recipe

3. Cut millet peppers into circles and pickled radishes into small cubes;

Minced Meat with Garlic Sprouts recipe

4. Pickled radish is salty, so you can soak in clear water, wash it several times, and drain the water when it reaches the saltiness you like;

Minced Meat with Garlic Sprouts recipe

5. Pour an appropriate amount of oil in the wok, stir-fry the meat filling to change its color, and stir half of the diced radish into the wok;

Minced Meat with Garlic Sprouts recipe

6. Put the garlic sprouts and millet pepper into the pot and stir-fry evenly;

Minced Meat with Garlic Sprouts recipe

7. Pour a small amount of soy sauce;

Minced Meat with Garlic Sprouts recipe

8. One more spoonful of tempeh hot sauce;

Minced Meat with Garlic Sprouts recipe

9. Mix well and take out the pot.

Minced Meat with Garlic Sprouts recipe


1. The radish is a homemade pickled vegetable. It is very salty. It is usually used for porridge, so it needs to be soaked in water to remove the excess saltiness. You can also use pickled mustard greens to fry this dish;
2. Garlic seedlings, also called garlic sprouts, cut into small diced pieces and put them in the pot and then they will be cooked. If they are fried for too long, they will linger and not taste good.


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