Mixed Vegetable Cheesecake

Mixed Vegetable Cheesecake

by sunxiaonan21

4.9 (1)








Mixed Vegetable Cheesecake

1. Shred lettuce, shred carrots, diced sausage

Mixed Vegetable Cheesecake recipe

2. Add an egg

Mixed Vegetable Cheesecake recipe

3. Then add whole wheat flour

Mixed Vegetable Cheesecake recipe

4. Add the sliced mozzarella cheese, white pepper and salt.

Mixed Vegetable Cheesecake recipe

5. Mix well and hold it into a dough.

Mixed Vegetable Cheesecake recipe

6. Put a small amount of oil in a frying pan, heat it for 50%, hold the dough into a circle and squash it, fry in a small fire, and fry golden color on both sides.

Mixed Vegetable Cheesecake recipe


1. You can replace the ingredients with any vegetables you like.
2. If the dough does not form a dough, add a small amount of water.


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