Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk

by For the food girl mommy

4.9 (1)







Chinese traditional festival, Mid-Autumn Festival! Moon cake is one of the must-have foods

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk

1. Prepare materials

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

2. The purple sweet potato is peeled and sliced, then steamed in the nest, softened and pressed into a mud with an instrument. If you want a fine taste, you can use a dense screen to crush and sieve, and it will become like the picture above. If you want a chewy texture, you can press it directly into a puree. Then add the purple sweet potato mash with white sugar (add according to your own sweetness) and stir fry in the flat bottom until it is sticky.

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

3. Since I forgot to take a photo, just talk about the steps. The fresh lotus seeds are cored, and then put in water and boiled for about 1-2 hours until the lotus seeds can be crushed directly by hand. Use a sieve to sift the water, you can directly use a mixer to stir into a puree, or use a spoon to press the lotus seeds into a puree and sieve. Finally, add white granulated sugar to the lotus seed paste and stir fry in the flat bottom. Add oil 2-3 times during the process, and fry until there is no moisture and it is a little sticky.

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

4. Add milk to salad oil

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

5. Add invert syrup

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

6. Beat in the eggs

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

7. Stir the milk, salad oil, invert syrup, and eggs until the salad oil is no longer visible.

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

8. Add sifted all-purpose flour

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

9. Stir evenly

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

10. After mixing it into a dough, take it out and put it on a silicone pad and knead it evenly. Remember not to knead it for too long, otherwise it will get muscular.

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

11. After kneading into a dough, wrap it in plastic wrap and let it stand for 30 minutes.

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

12. Salted egg to white and yellow

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

13. Rinse the egg yolk gently with water to remove the salty smell (this method can avoid the step of baking the egg yolk in the oven until half-cooked).

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

14. Put the washed salted egg yolk on the greased paper to drain the water and set aside.

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

15. The moon cake I made this time is 75g, so I divided the crust into 35g and the filling 40g

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

16. Put the salted egg yolk into the lotus paste filling and wrap it into a circle

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

17. Wrap the pie wrapper with lotus seed paste and egg yolk

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

18. Wrap the crust with the filling and make a round

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

19. Put the moon cake into a cake mold and press it into shape. You can gently repeat the pressing several times when pressing, so that the pattern will be clearer.

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

20. By analogy, all moon cakes are pressed into shape. Preheat the upper and lower layers of the oven to 170 degrees, then put the formed moon cakes in the oven and bake for 10 minutes, then lightly brush with a thin layer of egg yolk liquid, and then bake for about 15 minutes.

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe

21. Each oven is different, and the mooncakes are tortured to change their color and smell bursts of cake fragrance.

Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk recipe


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