Mother Lotus Seed Soup

Mother Lotus Seed Soup

by Simple love health

4.7 (1)







Women have so many days every month, and various menstrual syndromes are particularly difficult to endure. If you have dysmenorrhea again, you really don't want to be reborn as a woman in the next life! Unfortunately for me, I belong to the kind that every time I visit on a period of time, the whole person is like walking through the palace of the king, and I can't bear the pain. I searched the Internet for Motherwort to treat dysmenorrhea. I bought it from a Chinese pharmacy and couldn’t take it. Later, I saw that it was used to make soup on the Internet, so I went home and drank the soup decisively. It really worked. Although the dysmenorrhea has not completely disappeared, but My condition is getting better and better, and the pain is getting lighter and lighter. I heard that Motherwort is also good for delaying menopause. I also shared it, hoping to be helpful to the female compatriots.

Mother Lotus Seed Soup

1. Cut the package and take out the ingredients

Mother Lotus Seed Soup recipe

2. Wash the prepared materials with water and set aside

Mother Lotus Seed Soup recipe

3. Soak the washed materials in clean water for about 15 minutes

Mother Lotus Seed Soup recipe

4. Cut the prepared ribs into pieces, add appropriate amount of ginger and shallots for blanching, remove impurities and blood, drain the water and set aside

Mother Lotus Seed Soup recipe

5. Put the soaked ingredients into the water-proof saucepan

Mother Lotus Seed Soup recipe

6. Put the blanched ribs in the water-proof saucepan

Mother Lotus Seed Soup recipe

7. Add appropriate amount of water to the pot

Mother Lotus Seed Soup recipe

8. Cover the pot, press the timer button, and cook for 2 hours.

Mother Lotus Seed Soup recipe

9. Add the red dates and appropriate amount of rock sugar in the last half an hour and continue to cook.


1. Chinese medicine believes that motherwort can be eaten during irregular menstruation. For example, during amenorrhea, you can use motherwort, oranges and brown sugar to decoct, which can improve the condition of amenorrhea; motherwort and red dates can be eaten during non-menstrual periods to warm menstruation. Nourish blood, and before menstruation, the partner of Motherwort and Corydalis can improve dysmenorrhea; Motherwort has the effect of replenishing blood and resolving blood stasis, and it is not harmful to eat during menstrual period. However, if the amount of menstruation is large, eat it carefully. Does not have much effect;
2. After a pregnant woman gives birth, Chinese medicine believes that motherwort can generally be consumed within half a month after giving birth. The addition of angelica will help to repair the uterus. Of course, motherwort has an extremely effective effect on eliminating lochia. It is recommended that if the lochia is not enough for half a month , It is not suitable to eat motherwort;
3. Now due to the fertility policy or the influence of individuals and families, many people may choose miscarriage for accidental conception. Motherwort can be used after the operation. Some mothers choose cesarean section because of the position of the fetus or their weak physique, and they can also use it after the operation. Motherwort. Mothers who give birth normally can also use motherwort after the baby is born successfully. The use of motherwort in the above situations can help to discharge lochia after delivery and recover the body;
4. It should be noted that the best time to consume Motherwort a day is noon, which helps to fully absorb it. It is also more suitable to eat after a meal and helps full digestion. When boiling this motherwort lotus seed soup, red dates can be used in the last 20 minutes. Put them in the pot and cook together, so as not to boil for a long time.


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