Niu Dali Five Fingers Mao Peach Soup

Niu Dali Five Fingers Mao Peach Soup

by smaileling

4.6 (1)







The five-finger hair peach was formerly known as the five-clawed dragon and was called "Cantonese ginseng". It is named because its leaves look like five fingers and the fruit resembles a peach when mature. Its root is used as medicine, which can invigorate qi and invigorate the spleen, eliminate phlegm, relieve dampness, relax tendons and activate collaterals. It can be used to cook soup with pork bones, chicken, etc., whichever has the effect of dispelling heat and dampness.
Cattle grows vigorously in deep mountain valleys. It smells sweet and has a mild nature. It has the effects of strengthening yang, nourishing the kidneys and tonifying deficiency, strengthening tendons and collaterals, calming the liver, and moisturizing the lungs. , Bronchitis, cough, tuberculosis, etc. have very good curative effects. Suitable for: Kidney deficiency, low blood qi, rheumatism and bone pain, frequent coughing, acute and chronic bronchitis, and people who smoke and inhale kitchen fumes.
(The above is taken from Baidu Encyclopedia)

The main therapeutic effects of Niu Dali Wuzhi Maotao Decoction: moisturizing the lungs, relieving cough, strengthening tendons and activating collaterals. "


Niu Dali Five Fingers Mao Peach Soup

1. Choose 2 pig fan bones (both spine and stick bones) and rinse them.

Niu Dali Five Fingers Mao Peach Soup recipe

2. Put the cleaned fan bones into boiling water to blanch the blood.

Niu Dali Five Fingers Mao Peach Soup recipe

3. Rinse the fan bones again to remove the foam and set aside.

Niu Dali Five Fingers Mao Peach Soup recipe

4. Prepare five-finger peaches, Niu Dali, figs, and medlars.

Niu Dali Five Fingers Mao Peach Soup recipe

5. First wash it with water, then soak it for two or three minutes, and then wash it again (the medicinal materials you bought are afraid of sulfur).

Niu Dali Five Fingers Mao Peach Soup recipe

6. Wash the wolfberry and set aside.

Niu Dali Five Fingers Mao Peach Soup recipe

7. Put 7 bowls of water on the clay pot and put the pork bones, cow vigor, five-finger peaches, and figs in a pot under cold water. The fire boiled.

Niu Dali Five Fingers Mao Peach Soup recipe

8. After the fire is boiled, remove the scum, then turn it to a simmer and cook for 2 hours.

Niu Dali Five Fingers Mao Peach Soup recipe

9. Slowly cook for about 2 hours, then add wolfberry and continue to cook for about half an hour.

Niu Dali Five Fingers Mao Peach Soup recipe

10. After boiling, add salt to taste. If you like, you can add a little sugar to make it fresh.

Niu Dali Five Fingers Mao Peach Soup recipe


The wolfberry was added in the same pot in the last half an hour, because the wolfberry will make the soup taste sour if it is cooked for a long time.


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