Nutritious Rice Cereal

Nutritious Rice Cereal

by 🍒Non-polluted bean sprouts

4.6 (1)







I bought a Vitamix wall-breaking machine and started to grow nutritious rice paste and juice... The utilization rate is quite high, and the only drawback is that it cannot be heated. "


Nutritious Rice Cereal

1. A small handful of rice, black rice, and glutinous rice, wash and soak one hour in advance; peel half root of yam with iron stick, wash and cut into pieces; soak a little dried lily for half an hour in advance; remove 6 red dates, one walnut, and almond wood , A small amount of peanuts. (I'm for two people)

Nutritious Rice Cereal recipe

2. Put all the ingredients into the wall breaker and add 600ml of purified water.

Nutritious Rice Cereal recipe

3. Start the wall breaker, hit the 6th gear, about a minute or so, pour it into a small soup pot. If you like a delicate taste, you can hit the 7th gear to increase the time appropriately.

Nutritious Rice Cereal recipe

4. After the medium heat is boiled, simmer for 10 to 30 minutes on low heat. Stir frequently. The time depends on personal preference. I like to boil for a longer time. It feels fragrant and has a strong jujube fragrance. Come to a bowl and mix with side dishes, steamed buns, Cakes and buns are very nutritious breakfast.

Nutritious Rice Cereal recipe


The amount of rice is soaked in advance according to the number of family members. It is not recommended to be too thick. A small amount of glutinous rice can increase the consistency and taste. Dried fruit depends on personal preference. Red dates are essential...


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