Onion Chicken

Onion Chicken

by Lost love

4.7 (1)








Onion Chicken

1. Cut the chicken into pieces, marinate for half an hour with cornstarch, imported chili powder, shiitake mushrooms, and cooking wine for half an hour.

Onion Chicken recipe

2. Onion diced

Onion Chicken recipe

3. Cook in a frying pan until it is eighty mature, pour in corn oil, cook to 80% hot, pour in chicken nuggets,

Onion Chicken recipe

4. Slide to 8 minutes, seven mature fish out

Onion Chicken recipe

5. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, pour the onion and stir fry

Onion Chicken recipe

6. Pour the chicken nuggets

Onion Chicken recipe

7. Stir-fry on high heat quickly for one minute, and collect the juice on high heat.

Onion Chicken recipe

8. Serve, complete.

Onion Chicken recipe

9. Finished picture.

Onion Chicken recipe


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