Pavlova Cake ~ Pavlova

Pavlova Cake ~ Pavlova

by Sugar Sugar 0284

4.6 (1)







Pavlova cake, Pavlova, imperfect cake, but it tastes great! The persistent sugar has been made several times, and the cake is still a bit imperfect in the end. It should be that the granulated sugar is not fine enough, which affects the degree of fineness... (Just use the granulated sugar at home, so the finished product has small bubbles. bubble)"

Pavlova Cake ~ Pavlova

1. Prepare various materials in advance

Pavlova Cake ~ Pavlova recipe

2. Beat the egg whites at a low speed until the eyes are soaked, and add one-third of the fine sugar

Pavlova Cake ~ Pavlova recipe

3. When it's a little delicate, add lemon juice and vanilla extract, change to high speed and beat

Pavlova Cake ~ Pavlova recipe

4. The egg whites are beaten to hard, you can see that the high-sugar egg whites are very delicate...

Pavlova Cake ~ Pavlova recipe

5. Sift in cornstarch and stir evenly, don’t worry about defoaming, meringue with high sugar content is relatively stable

Pavlova Cake ~ Pavlova recipe

6. Place the meringue on the egg beater on the baking tray

Pavlova Cake ~ Pavlova recipe

7. Oiled paper

Pavlova Cake ~ Pavlova recipe

8. Pour the meringue into the middle of the baking tray, and make a round shape ⭕️ with a concave shape in the middle

Pavlova Cake ~ Pavlova recipe

9. Preheat the oven 150 degrees in advance, then put it in the middle of the oven, turn 130 degrees, and bake for 1 hour until the surface is slightly browned

Pavlova Cake ~ Pavlova recipe

10. The cake is baked, it can't come out right away! Use gloves to separate a gap of about 2cm in the oven door, and let the cake cool naturally inside

Pavlova Cake ~ Pavlova recipe

11. While cooling, do surface decoration! (I forgot to follow the picture.) Since the cake is high in sugar, I used yogurt and strawberry jam ➕ light cream to make the glaze... (Whether the light cream until 6 or 7 is distributed, then add the yogurt and strawberry jam and mix well. After glazing, decorate the fruits at will, and the beautiful products will come out! This cake is sweet, with a slightly sour glaze and strawberries, which neutralizes the taste... The cake is crispy on the outside and like marshmallow on the inside. It's awesome!

Pavlova Cake ~ Pavlova recipe


1. Don't reduce the amount of sugar casually, it will affect the egg white, and then directly affect the finished product.
2. Be sure to use fine granulated sugar for baking. Ordinary household sugar is a bit coarse, which will cause small bubbles in the finished product and affect the appearance.
3. Remember to bake the cake, don't take it out immediately, let it cool naturally in the oven.


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