Pigeon Soup

Pigeon Soup

by Fei Er loves food

4.9 (1)







The pigeon is an animal with high nutritional value. The meat, eggs and blood of the pigeon can be used as medicine. "Compendium of Materia Medica" mentioned that pigeons have many feathers, but white is used as medicine. From ancient times to the present, traditional Chinese medicine believes that pigeon meat has the functions of nourishing liver and strengthening kidney, nourishing qi and blood, clearing away heat and detoxification, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst. Pigeon soup has become a good product for postpartum, post-traumatic, and physical deficiency and heat patients.

Pigeon Soup

1. A meat pigeon is skinless

Pigeon Soup recipe

2. Add ginger slices to boiling water and put the pigeons

Pigeon Soup recipe

3. Cook until the color changes and remove

Pigeon Soup recipe

4. Add water to the casserole

Pigeon Soup recipe

5. Prepare red dates, ginseng, wolfberry, ginger slices

Pigeon Soup recipe

6. Pour the ingredients in a casserole

Pigeon Soup recipe

7. Simmer until the soup is thick

Pigeon Soup recipe


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