Pigeon Soup for Nourishing Blood and Nourishing Qi

Pigeon Soup for Nourishing Blood and Nourishing Qi

by GraceWang (From WeChat.)

4.8 (1)







One case of soup a day. day 1.


Pigeon Soup for Nourishing Blood and Nourishing Qi

1. The pigeons are cleaned and chopped up to make it easier to eat. It varies from person to person, and I threw away all the internal organs, head and neck.

Pigeon Soup for Nourishing Blood and Nourishing Qi recipe

2. The purpose of the pigeon cold water pot is to cleanly remove impurities and effectively remove fishy. Wait until the water boils and you can see that the foam inside is about to reach the top of the pot, turn off the heat. Pour into the basket and rinse with cold water.

Pigeon Soup for Nourishing Blood and Nourishing Qi recipe

3. For the ingredient map, you can add Cordyceps or Codonopsis in the later stage, but not too much, it will get angry.

Pigeon Soup for Nourishing Blood and Nourishing Qi recipe

4. Pour the ingredients and add the whole bottle of Nongfu Spring. At the same time add cooking wine.

Pigeon Soup for Nourishing Blood and Nourishing Qi recipe


When everything is ready, let it simmer for several hours. Dear friends, I use a pot for stewing soup, which is different from a rice cooker. Add salt after the soup is ready. Remember that the salt should not be put too early, because this pot of soup needs to be simmered for a long time. Putting it too early will not only make the meat old, but also produce toxins.


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