Pork Ribs and Carrot Soup

Pork Ribs and Carrot Soup

by Xiaoyuan Review

4.6 (1)







Xiaoyuan Review
It is well known that winter is the best season to eat radish. As the saying goes, eating radish in winter and ginger in summer does not require a doctor to prescribe a prescription;
Today, I made a pork ribs and radish soup, which is delicious, rich in fragrance, and rich in nutrition. It is called "the little ginseng of winter".

Creative Index Ribs and Carrot Soup


Pork Ribs and Carrot Soup

1. 1 radish, small row 200g
20g garlic leaves, 15g black fungus, 3 slices of ginger, 3g salt, 10g cooking wine, appropriate amount of water

Pork Ribs and Carrot Soup recipe

2. After the small row is washed, put it in the pot and boil until the color changes.

Pork Ribs and Carrot Soup recipe

3. Drain into the pot, pour boiling water over the small drain, then add 3 slices of ginger

Pork Ribs and Carrot Soup recipe

4. After boiling, pour 10g of cooking wine, turn to medium heat and continue to simmer

Pork Ribs and Carrot Soup recipe

5. Peel the radish and cut into small pieces for later use

Pork Ribs and Carrot Soup recipe

6. Stew short ribs until chopsticks can penetrate

Pork Ribs and Carrot Soup recipe

7. Pour radish and black fungus

Pork Ribs and Carrot Soup recipe

8. After boiling, add 3g of salt

Pork Ribs and Carrot Soup recipe

9. Pour in the garlic leaves and mix well

Pork Ribs and Carrot Soup recipe

10. Hurry up and try it

Pork Ribs and Carrot Soup recipe


1. Black fungus should not be soaked for too long, just soak it
2. The pork ribs you bought can be soaked in clean water to remove excess blood, and the meat will become soft


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