Porridge with Red Dates and Walnuts

Porridge with Red Dates and Walnuts

by The soul in the pupil

4.7 (1)







The kid has been one year old and seven months old, and has to think about what to cook for her every day.
Red dates can replenish blood and are undoubtedly a good choice for infants who are prone to anemia.
Walnut can benefit the brain, and it happens to be the most natural food for children who are developing their brains all the time.
Mixed with miscellaneous grains, just to achieve a balanced diet. "


Porridge with Red Dates and Walnuts

1. Prepare the right amount of walnuts, Hetian jujube, and half carrots.

Porridge with Red Dates and Walnuts recipe

2. First mix the rice and miscellaneous grains, wash them, add water and bring to a boil.

Porridge with Red Dates and Walnuts recipe

3. Cut carrots and walnuts into cubes, and cut Hetian Yuzao in half.

Porridge with Red Dates and Walnuts recipe

4. Put the walnut kernels and carrot diced into a meat chopper and crush them into powder.

Porridge with Red Dates and Walnuts recipe

5. Put the carrot and walnut powder, together with Hetian jade dates, into the previously boiled multigrain porridge, and then put it in a rice cooker or electric pressure cooker and cook for about 40 minutes.

Porridge with Red Dates and Walnuts recipe

6. The delicious red dates walnut mixed grain porridge is ready

Porridge with Red Dates and Walnuts recipe


1. Choose Hetian Yuzao because of its large grains and a lot of meat. The skin can be separated by a spoonful after cooking. If there is no Hetian Yuzao, ordinary red dates are also very good.
2. Hetian jade jujube is a bit sweet, I will stir the jujube meat in the porridge, so no seasoning is needed. You can add salt or sugar according to your personal taste.
3. The miscellaneous grains I bought are from a foreign brand. In fact, these are similar, and you can buy them in ordinary supermarkets or match them yourself.


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