Potato Glutinous Rice Cake

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake

by Xiaoyingzi Gourmet

5.0 (1)







As a glutinous rice controller, I like all sticky, chewy glutinous rice foods. The glutinous rice flour is filled with boiled potatoes. I was full of expectations at the beginning, not knowing how it would taste. The result is that I eat madly! It tastes better when it is kept cold, it's really cheeky. The operation is super simple, it takes almost nothing, and it can be completed in a little time.


Potato Glutinous Rice Cake

1. Ingredients: 100 grams of glutinous rice flour, 100 grams of potatoes, appropriate amount of water (about 100 grams)

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

2. Filling: 35 grams of white sesame seeds (cooked), 35 grams of sugar, 35 grams of olive oil

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

3. Peel and cut potatoes

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

4. Put it in a bowl and steam it in a pot of boiling water

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

5. Put the steamed potatoes into a fresh-keeping bag while they are hot, and use a rolling pin to roll them into mashed potatoes

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

6. Put glutinous rice flour and mashed potatoes together

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

7. Grasp and pinch evenly into granules

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

8. Put in the right amount of water, normal temperature is fine

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

9. Synthetic smooth glutinous rice ball wakes up slightly

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

10. Stir-fried sesame seeds crushed with a food processor

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

11. Add sugar, olive oil

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

12. Mix evenly and serve as filling

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

13. Roll the glutinous rice ball into strips of appropriate thickness and cut into sections

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

14. Round by hand

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

15. Take a glutinous rice ball and press a nest with your hands

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

16. Put in an appropriate amount of sesame filling and compact

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

17. Close slowly

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

18. Finally, squeeze the mouth tightly so as not to show the filling

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

19. Press flat and then stick sesame seeds, press once to prevent it from falling (you can dip first and then press)

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

20. Put a small amount of oil in a non-stick pan

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

21. Fry the glutinous rice cakes on a low fire

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe

22. Just golden on both sides.

Potato Glutinous Rice Cake recipe


Xiaoyingzi's words:
1. Make this glutinous rice cake water and control the amount of water by yourself, remember not to be too dry, it is not easy to handle and easy to crack. If it cracks during the operation, it means that you are using less water, just add some water to rejuvenate it.
2. The sesame seeds do not need to be crushed too much, they are only fragrant if they are a little bit granular.
3. When building, leave a distance between the cake and the cake to avoid mutual sticking when turning.


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